Video loop, digital editing. Introduced for the first time during the Morphogenesis of Values exhibition, Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center produced by Osage Art Foundation. City Ads Values is part of the Value of Values project. City Ads Values video shows how the city designs and prescribes...

  AI-Generated videos + Video display The Reader AI: Can we read the human brain? Observing the VoV token, the 'Reader' recognized words. Considering the freshly neuro-designed VoV models, the Reader explore them to figure out what similarities could be found between VoV characters and Chinese calligraphy, between...

AI program + Video display The Reader AI: Can we read the human brain? Observing the VoV token, the 'Reader' recognized words. Considering the freshly neuro-designed VoV models, the Reader explore them to figure out what similarities could be found between VoV characters and Chinese calligraphy, between...

Introduced for the first time during the Morphogenesis of Values exhibition, Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center produced by Osage Art Foundation. The Conceptual Map is part of the Value of Values project. New Media art is not about technology, it is for the artist a catalyst...

 Introduced for the first time during the Morphogenesis of Values exhibition, Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center, and produced by Osage Art Foundation the 14 Crypto Characters are part of the Value of Values project. They are archival pigment prints on Photo rag Hahnemühle paper.   PLEASURE0723 - FRIENDSHIP0783 - LOVE0182 TRUST0643 - HONESTY0753 -...

A video with a selection of 35 portraits and an AI-generated narrative: Thanks to AI, people who question their identity may find new answers: What if the sole portrait is not the best way to define us? Our interaction with the historical, cultural, geographic, and sociological context...

TRANSACTIONAL ART ON THE BLOCKCHAIN Maurice Benayoun, with Nicolas Mendoza and Tobias Klein. Four Seasons, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 7-8 September 2022 Human abstractions live in our mind. Human Values: LOVE, POWER, PEACE, KNOWLEDGE, are human abstractions If making art is giving shape to ideas, we can shape human values directly from...

The Art of DïaloG: Are we immigrants in a machine World? ISEA2022 Talk June 13 Refik Anadol and Maurice Benayoun started the DïaloG project as an art experiment and an urban media art installation. Two artworks are facing each other. They are confronted with a world they don’t know,...

from the Press Release by Focal/Naim, that commissioned the work Focal Powered by Naim to showcase exclusive global tour of MoBen’s interactive artwork: POWER CHESS video trailer Video documentary, Episode 1   To celebrate the roll-out of their global network of Focal Powered by Naim stores, the two leading audio brands...

DïaloG The first Aliens' encounter 2021 by Refik Anadol and Maurice Benayoun Public art interactive installation, Size to be adapted to the venue (usually 2-4m/screen). 2 Video displays (projection or LED screens) Sensors, AI, real-time generative graphics, behavioral design, voice recognition, text generation, sound. Production: MoBen, Analog Native, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, SCM,...

I died in 1927, too young to publish about my art practice. It is now time to share some of the works I produced to help art historians to figure out where I stand. Elsa F.-L. The Bachelors Stripped Bare by Their Bride, Uneven, paint on broken...

interactive 360 video of Escape Views Hong Kong Escape Views, Interactive installation, 360 videos. High-Res video panoramas of Hong Kong reveal the unseen. It is no longer about density, verticality, finance, and technology. At a time of the pandemic, places of seclusion are sought after. But...

Ars Electronica 2020 Hong Kong Garden full program: Context: Arts Electronica 2020 is being crystalized as an experimental, de-centralized global affair, in response to the contingencies arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. Envisioning a journey toward measuring the ‘new’ world being realized today, this year’s festival extends beyond...

Live experiment in progress by Maurice Benayoun and Refik Anadol for the DïaloG project, MindSpaces, S+T+Arts EU program. Live, part of Ars Electronica Festival 2020, Hong Kong, Thessaloniki, and MindSpaces Gardens. DïaloG is made of two “living” entities facing each other in the public space. They don’t look...

ACM Multimedia Art Show (ACMMM2019), Chairs: Maurice Benayoun, Nathalie Delprat, Nice, France, October 21 - 25, 2019 Artists: Refik Anadol, Jean-Marc Chomaz, Peter Nelson, Olivain Porray, Lyn Chao, Lin Chen, Cecilia Suhr, Paul Chable, Gilles Arrazo, Yvain Quéau, Axel Cartier, Jean-Denis Durou, Yen-Ting Cho, Yen-ling Kuo, Yen-Ting Yeh, Yi-Chin...

With Watch Out! 2018, urban media art installation, eyes wide open come from the buildings to look down to us as if somebody finally dares to discover what’s humankind is doing at the ground level, in the streets of Gwangju....

Video of the show in Hong Kong, City University, School of Creative Media Chief Curator: Maurice Benayoun CREDITS 主辦單位 / ORGANIZERS 香港城市大學 City University of Hong Kong 中國美協策展委員會 China Artists Association Curatorial Committee 深圳市關山月美術館 Guan Shanyue Art Museum 出品人 / PRODUCERS 郭位 香港城市大學校長 Way KUO, President of City University of Hong Kong 范廸安 中國美術家協會策展委員會主任、中央美術學院院長 FAN Dian, Chairman of CACF,...

At the same time an innovative art installation, a world premiere, and a prototype for neuro-design technology, "Brain Cloud" is part of the "Brain Factory" series of works helping the visitors "brain-workers" to give shape to human abstractions just by thinking....

Astrilab scenic apparatus commissioned by ASTRI research Centre, HK, constituted by 3 different elements, all playing with each other. The functions of presenting Astri activities, and offering a playful way to experience innovation in action, are performed by these 3 Astrilab components: The Hypercube, the...

Framed Subversion When any attempt of subversion is rapidly institutionalized, the critic of the Spectacle becomes THE spectacle. Guy Debord is no exception. Commonly praised by the Academia, The Society of the Spectacle lost most of its subversive flavor. The Purloin Thought (a reference to The Purloined Letter by...

2D Prints from the Tunnel under the Atlantic (1995) printed in the Pompidou Center, Paris, during the actual digging between Paris and Montreal. by Maurice Benayoun Sept. 1995 - March 2016 Tunnel Shots (to see the full series They were shot, like photo shoots, inside the virtual space of...

Project variant developed for Hong Kong Act by Osage Art Foundation (June 2015) Conception: Maurice Benayoun - MoBen Set design: Tobias Klein Visuals: Tobias Klein - MoBen 1.1 HCI (Human Computer Interfaces) have helped us communicate with computers. 1.2 Converting a computer model into an object is called “reification.” 1.3 3D...