Players: Philippe Codognet, Sir Alice
Visiting the Mori Tower in Tokyo with Philippe Codognet, the evidence of red lights blinking at night came to my mind as the stubborn will of the City to say something to any open intelligence. I was facing this absurd but recursive artist’s mission : try to make the world understandable, even if it is definitely obscure to you.
If you fail : make the failure visible enough to make the evidence of the this aporia talking out loud.
That was the resulting project:
Cities are emitting obscure messages that cannot easily been deciphered: sounds, lights, smells…
Through thousands of red lights blinking in the night, Tokyo city is whispering.
This obsessing blinking should be translatable. The apparent synchronicity cannot be only a randomised process. The absence of synchronicity can also be interpreted as an obscure language.
Is the city trying to say something?
Are invisible entities communicating in front of us and we don’t even know what, why and how?
Would it be a kind of hidden speech that would remain secret because it is so obvious?
Whatever the interpretation we try to put on these signs, one cannot stay without trying to understand what’s going on around us.
In this obsessive compulsion of interpretation, people can spend hours watching without understanding and this impossibility to understand is balanced by the fascination for this almost hypnotic phenomenon.
Roppongi Hills, offering a full panoramic view, is the best place to attend this amazing mute conversation.
Like very patient watchers, the Red Light Spotters (RLS) stand all day desperately attempting to decode the hidden message.
To achieve their mission, RLS convert the light blinking into sound. The resulting music, synchronised by the blending of the fields crossing over each other
On a series of windows, the Red Light Spotters are stuck to the glass like gecko lizards staring away.
Each camera has different view on the City, therefore each windows create different sounds.
Thanks to transducers, the window itself weeps the sound of the city.
When the visitors move along the windows the sound evolve from one to another, reflecting the changes on the city panorama.
Each RLS is made of a camera, a PC unit, 2 sound transducers. The camera itself is stuck thanks to 4 suckers and steel wires.
Then, it is up to the audience to decipher this fascinating sound message.
[...] Le spotting, qui constitue une activité à la motivation mystérieuse, réuni aussi bien ceux qui comptabilisent les passages de trains ou les décollages d’avion, que ceux qui, engageant des programmes d’envergure planétaire, tentent d’identifier des signes d’intelligence extraterrestre dans les signaux en provenance de l’espace (SETI). Traquer dans la récurrence ou dans les infimes variations des signes du quotidien ou de l’espace ce qui nous permettrait de mieux comprendre le monde, l’univers ou la logique de la SNCF relève d’une obstination qui ne cesse de nous émerveiller. Que l’objectif soit de découvrir une explication, la confirmation d’un doute ou d’une certitude, ou l’évidence d’un complot, il y a dans la compulsion “spottique” quelque chose qui relève du questionnement métaphysique. La série des Spotters, inspirée du projet Red Light Spotters, vise à généraliser le principe d’Observation Systématique Obstinée (OSO, – – – ∙ ∙ ∙ – – –) appliqué au monde construit par l’homme, en le couplant à la tentative, désespérée, de traduire l’information résultante sous forme de son, de lumière, de vibration… susceptibles d’apporter des éléments d’intelligibilité dans la masse des artefacts et des comportements humains. (No Ratings Yet) Loading … [...]
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