Credits-Titles Graphics


Credits-Titles Graphics of the France2's program,
from monday to friday on TV
Direction : Bernard de Amorin
Computer Graphics Direction : Thierry Prieur / Z-A

Mirage illimité,
Credits titles of the video art tape collection
Direction : Maurice Benayoun, Alain Escalle
Pixel INA Prize, Imagina, Monte Carlo, 1993

Gallop Racer 2,
Introducing sequence of the TECMO's video game
Direction : Pascal Roulin
Computer Graphics Direction: Thierry Prieur / Z-A
Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica, Austria, 1998
First Prize, Synthesis V, Mons Belgium, 1998

Credit-Title Graphic of the Maurice Benayoun's documentary.
Second prize, credits-titles category, Imagina, Monte Carlo, 1996
Second prize, credits-titles, Images du Futur, Montréal, 1996

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