

realplayer movie (2'30'', 9.96 MB)

HyperTV is a navigation interface showing multimedia content about networks and new images.
HyperTV uses the same 3D architecture to explore digital TV programs and broadcasted guides on cable or satellites networks (EPG).

HyperTV is developed by Z.A Production and the CNET (CREANET/France Telecom).
With HyperTV, the user manipulate in real time a series of 3D cubes on the sides of which live TV channels appears, ready to be selected for full screen viewing.

HyperTV serves a double purpose :

  • Accessing a complex and dense knowledge through a spectacular simple and entertaining device,
  • Putting together in a same interface a tree-like data browser and a non linear dynamic access tool based on automatic user habits analysis (autonomus agent) and voice recognition..

HyperTV has been shown at Imagina 99

Conception : Maurice Benayoun
Development : Tristan Lorach
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