

Who are the Quarxs ?

Beware ! Scientists say they are growing in number !
Faithful to the teaching of the great Masters, Claude Bernard and Tex Avery, I have been studying animal species for many years, whose existence and originality have escaped my predecessors, as well as all the long sighted observers.
This rigorous work led me to the discovery of a surprising variety of species, which defy the established physical, biological, and optical laws : The Quarxs. I think, it is time to make the discovery of such aberrations known to a public keen on scientific discoveries, but short on time.

The QUARXS are the characters of a series of 12 short films of 3'each (Credits). Each one appears as a program of popularized science : a scientist narrates on the evolution of his research on Quarxs.

The Quarxs are living beings indifferent to the immutable laws of Nature. They are turned into odd beings by aberrations in their relation with time, space, and matter. We are trying to understand their behavior through observation and experimentation. Such phenomena require a visual medium adapted to them : a mixture of video, 2D, and 3D computer graphics.
In parodying popular science programs, this series constitutes a new stage in 3D computer graphics, serving as a true screenplay, not merely as a computer graphics demonstration. Broadcast in France on Canal + and France 3, the Quarxs has been proliferated on many international competitions in which they obtained several prizes and awards.
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