Star Pupas


Artist: Leung Mee Ping


Despite increasing physical proximity between our bodies, there is also a growing, intangible distance between our hearts and minds, much like the starry skies in our cities that are fading before our eyes. Our mobiles are the most influencing factor in creating this sense of alienation. Star Pupas invites you to discover the stars with an app. The app will identify and light up a star, and allow you to name it so that the star becomes an individual existence in the database. The more stars that are lit up and shared in the bigger community, the more light and less darkness there will be. We pull ourselves back to each other with the very device that has set us apart. We will find ourselves where we have been lost.

Exhibition Period: 14th September - 28th September 2014

Time: 7pm - 10pm

Venue: Lower Piazza, Hong Kong Science Museum

StarPupas App:

* Exhibiton will be suspended under severe weather conditions (Typhoon No.3 or above, Black rainstorm signal).