3D Animation

In the animation area, Z-A has made a name for itself in producing the Quarxs, a series which was to become a kind of anthological TV program, a new stage in 3D computer graphics, not merely as a computer graphics demonstration.
Based on an original screenplay, The QUARXS were born from the desire to build a program around characters that owe their very existence to the functionality of 3D computer graphics. The series is the first animated series created in 3D, 35mm and High Definition video.
Since that very "pioneer" period, Z-A Production has improve his now-how on the computer graphic animation side in general, like the creation and the animation of 3D characters, real-time animation, and motion capture...without forgetting the development of an home-made software, Persona.
Persona is a suite of tools for capturing, combining, processing and analyzing data generated by various devices in order to animate in real time 3 D scenes (for virtual studios, virtual characters.
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