A Paris New Delhi Tunnel at the NINR expo


from January 25th to February 8th 1998

In September 95, visitors of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Montreal and the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris were digging a virtual tunnel towards each other from the two cities. Two years later, this first segment of a worldwide virtual tunnel is being extended with a new Paris/New-Delhi link. The information highway is working to bring people and cultures closer together through interactive innovation.
From each end of this virtual tunnel, the general public will be able to dig into a mass made up of images belonging to France and India's common past. The area created by the visitors' movements will take form in real time. During the digging, it will be possible to talk to one's counterpart and, at times, see him or her as an image floating in the tunnel space. Each visitor is filmed during the dig and an animated image is beamed onto a surface occupying his or her place in the virtual world.
For the tunnel under the Atlantic, the meeting only occurred after a 5 days digging. But for the Paris - New Delhi Tunnel the encounters will take place all along the roads of India. Various intermediary locations will be identified by suitable iconography. When two persons share an interest in the same images or period, they will be able, should they so desire, to meet.
Thank to the « Gadevu », an intelligent-like robot, the tunnel is an anticipation of research software based not on statements, but on behaviors. It stands as a new breed of meeting system, made possible by computer networks. The meeting depends on the proximity of interests, rather than on actual nearness. The beginning for semantic traveling.
Just like each visitor's voice, the interactive score, composed by Jean-Baptiste Barrière for this tunnel will serve as a compass leading to an encounter. Spatialized sound allows diggers to localize each other in the opaque space of images. The music guides us through the images towards our counterpart.
The Paris-New Delhi Tunnel

by Maurice Benayoun
Music : Jean-Baptiste Barrière
Executive Production : Z-A
Coordination : Studio Cérézales
Coproduction : AFAA/ Cité des Sciences et de I'Industrie/ Z-A
Developing : David Nahon / Tristan Lorach /Z-A
Production With the participation of SGI
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