Virtual Reality

In a parallel direction from computer graphic animation, Z-A has developed the tools needeed for directing the artistic installations, in Virtual Reality, by Maurice Benayoun like Dieu est-il plat ? (Is God flat ?), Le Diable est-il Courbe ? (Is the Devil curved ?)  Le Tunnel sous l'Atlantique (The tunnel under the Atlantic), Le Tunnel Paris/New Delhi (the Paris/New Delhi tunnel) in january 1998.
In 1998, Z-A has received the Golden Nica of interactive art for World Skin,a CAVE device, in which visitors can take pictures of the universe they are immerse in, keeping so a material trail of their virtual passage.

Crossing Talks is CAVE installation developped by Z-A for the 1999 bienale of ICC in Tokyo. It features a dedicated Infra-red video tracking device and a immersive visoconference system.

More recently, during the exhibition "la beauté en Avignon" (Mission 200 en France), Z-A had shown the virtual reality and internet installation Art Impact (Collective Retinal Memory) , at the Pompidou Centre in Paris.

In April 2001, Z-A showcases the SAS Cube, the first PC based cubic immersif display.

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