Benayoun, M., Introducing MoBen’s Moments, curated by Dr. Chen Jing, show presentation, Dec. 15, 18, 20, and 21st, 2024
Benayoun, M., online lecture, Curating AI, AI Hokusai, Dec. 9, 2024
Benayoun, M., Talk and workshop, The Art of Prompting, The Human factor in Art Making, Silesian Science Festival, Katowice, European Capital of Science, Poland, Dec. 9, 2024
Benayoun, M., Round table, AI, Ethics and Risk, Silesian Science Festival, Katowice, European Capital of Science, Poland, Dec. 8, 2024
Benayoun, M., keynote lecture, Are AIs Neurodivergent? The Collateral Benefits of Human Nature on Artificial Intelligence, Silesian Science Festival, Katowice, European Capital of Science, Poland, Dec. 7, 2024
Benayoun, M., workshop, Art Proxima, XPANSE, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Nov. 20-22, 2024
Benayoun, M., artist’s talk, Media Arts and AIs, Art Proxima, XPANSE, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Nov. 20, 2024
Benayoun, M., round table, Post capitalistic Auction, Part 1, Hong Kong, Nov. 16, 2024
Benayoun, M., on-stage performance, TRUST0643, Post capitalistic Auction, Hong Kong, Nov. 16, 2024
Benayoun, M., online keynote, Magic Mirrors don’t Always Come with Good News. Same Goes with AIs, Computer Art Congress, CAC8, La Plata, Argentina, Nov. 2, 2024
Benayoun, M., Can Human-Made Intelligence Produce Human-Made Art? A Parallel Journey. CrossMedia Art in the Age of Digital Intelligence, School of Art, Nanjing University, Nov. 2, 2024
Benayoun, M., Lecture, Introduction to Art and Interactivity, Art and Interaction, School of Art, Nanjing University, Nov. 1, 2024
Benayoun, M., Lecture, Art Escaping Gravity, from Abstraction du GenAI, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Oct. 31, 2024
Benayoun, M., Starts, ReSilence, EU Collaborative Research, plenary meeting, Sept. 21, 2024
Benayoun, M., Architecture and Cognition, online talk, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Sept. 7, 2024
Benayoun, M., Fred Forest et pratiques artistiques non normatives, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, June 8, 2024
Benayoun, M., Arte e Intelligenza Artificiale, International Forum Art & Innovation, Symposium, Castello Aragonese, Otranto, Italy, 18-19 May, 2024
Benayoun, M., Ways through Artificiality in Art, International Forum Art & Innovation, Accademia di Belle Arti, Lecce, Italy, 17 May, 2024
Benayoun, M., Intentionnalité artificielle, l’œuvre comme intention, ICAN, Paris, 14 May, 2024
Benayoun, M., round table, IA et nouvelles écritures, ETPA – ESMA, Toulouse, 23 April, 2024
Benayoun, M., Cosa Artificiale, Centre Culturel Canadien, Paris, 28 March, 2024
Benayoun, M., Lecture, Milestones for a Subjective Map of 40 years of Art Making, Sciences Po, Paris, 25 March, 2024
Benayoun, M., online lecture, Milestones, HKUST Guangzhou, China, 7 Dec. 2023
Benayoun, M., Lecture, EPSAA, Ivry sur Seine, France, 21 Nov. 2023
Benayoun, M. Keynote, Can Art Help Robots to Understand Humans, Shenzhen Art Museum, China, 7 Nov. 2023
Benayoun, M., Interwoven Scape, Shenzhen Art Museum, opening ceremony, China, 6 Nov. 2023
Benayoun, M., speaker, Forum NTMoA (National Taiwan Museum of Art) Taichun, Taiwan, August 13, 2023
Benayoun, M., co-organizer, keynote speaker, From Ideation to Imachination, XARTS conference, University of the Aegean, Syros, Greece, 3 July 2023
Benayoun, M., opening Keynote, The Power of Imachination, The Atlas of Digital Art, MEET Center, Milan, Italy, June 22, 2023
Benayoun, M., Invited Lecture, A conceptual roadmap: translate media arts practice into theoretical issues, ISEA2023 International Symposium of Electronic Arts, Paris, France, May 17, 2023
Benayoun, M., roundtable: “Cap Digital: Let’s invent the tools and digital brushes to create the arts of the future”, ISEA2023 International Symposium of Electronic Arts, Paris, France, May 17, 2023
Benayoun, M., roundtable: OPLINEPRIZE International, ISEA2023 International Symposium of Electronic Arts, Paris, France, May 17, 2023
Benayoun, M., full paper, ReSilence: Retune the Soundscape of future cities through art and… ISEA2023 International Symposium of Electronic Arts, Paris, France, May 18, 2023
Benayoun, M., public talk and interview by Jorge La Ferla, Foundation Bunge y Born, Williams Foundation Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 11, 2023
Benayoun, M., Masterclass, Arte, Ciencia y Tecnologia, Foundation Bunge y Born, Williams Foundation Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 9-10, 2023
Benayoun, M., keynote, How the Art-Subject redefines the artist practice and status, Foundation Bunge y Born, Williams Foundation Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 9, 2023
Benayoun, M., online keynote, Values in Space, Value of Values Transactional Art Unchained, HoloArt Think Tank, April 21, 2023
Benayoun, M., keynote, The Black Box, The White Cube, and the Grey Matter, Entangled Transparencies 3.0, ZKM, Hyundai, Goethe Institute, March 9, 2023
Benayoun, M., keynote How AI-Augmented Serendipity Redesigns the art practice, “Creative Media: a Prospective Vision” Seminar, EESI (Ecole Européenne de l’Image, Angouléme, France), School of Architecture, Technology Monterey, Mexico, CNAM Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris France, Jan. 30 2023
Benayoun, M., Sound and mobility in the City, a creative approach, ReSilence EU program webinar for Open Call for Art projects. Jan. 19, 2023
Benayoun, M., Media Art Beyond Technology, a conceptual Timeline, HKACT 13 Symposium, Asia Society HK Center, Nov, 28 2022
Benayoun, M., keynote, The role of concepts in art making in the time of global artificiality, Art & Tech conference, online conf., Košice, Slovakia, Nov. 24, 2022
Benayoun, M., Transactional Art From The Dump to the Values, Reification of Values… and the market, Glitch2, Chateau du Fei, Burgundy, France, Nov. 7-13, 2022
Benayoun, M., Use Case 2, sound and mobility in the City, Resilence project Kick off seminar, Sept 27, 2022
Benayoun, M., DialoG public art interactive installation and Cap de Ballon, Metaverse for seniors, MindSpaces final review, online, Sept. 20, 2022
Benayoun, M., online Lecture, The New Values of Art: Between Sublimation and Reification, Transaction and Curation redefine blockchain and unchained art Practice, Artificial Intelligence and Art, “Digital Rites and Embodied Memories”, EU4ART, Horizon 2020, Fine Art Academy of Rome, Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Dresden, Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Budapest and Latvian Art Academy in Riga, Monastery of Casa San Silvestro in Monte Compatri Rome, Italy, Sept. 9, 2022
Benayoun, M., Human Values at Stake: The game of life, When artworks investigate economy, poetry, ethics, through AI, Robots, Blockchain and NFTs. New World Forum, Riyadh, Sept. 8, 2022
Benayoun, M., keynote, Between Imachination and Transaction, how EEG, AI, and NFT reshuffle the practice and the status of the artist, CAC7 Computer Art Congress, University of Art and Design (HEAD – Genève, HES-SO) Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 2, 2022
Benayoun, M., opening talk as guest of Honor, Opline Prize 2022, Mairie du XIIe arrondissement, Paris Sept. 2, 2022
Benayoun, M., Exhibiting in the Metaverse, V-ART Twitter Space, July 13, 2022
Anadol, R., Benayoun, M., Martin, A., DïaloG. MindSpaces – S+T+Arts. The Art of DïaloG: Are we immigrants in a machine World? ISEA2022, Barcelona, Spain, June 15, 2022
Benayoun, M., Opening Talk online, Value of Values, E-Topia, Zaragoza, Spain, April 20, 2022
Benayoun, M., Artist’s talk, VoV Shaping the Present, Minting the Future, Tongyeong Triennale, South Korea, April 2, 2022
Benayoun, M., HKACT! Act 12 VoV: HKRUNWAY | Introductory Talk, HK Design Institute, 18 Feb. 2022
Benayoun, M., Speaker, Artificial intentionality and behavioral design applied to Art, 4th SCM/ACIM Research Colloquium, Online, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Feb. 8, 2022.
Benayoun, M., Keynote Speaker, Art in the age of neuroscience – Thought as Material, Online conference, Value of Values, Le Cube, France, Feb, 7, 2022.
Benayoun, M., Transactional aesthetics applied to forensic investigation of contemporary art (subtitle) When artworks become subjects investigating economy, poetry, ethics, through AI, Robots, and blockchain, Lecture, A new future created by AI+ART, The front line of new media art, School of Computing, KAIST, Dec. 20, 2021.
Benayoun, M., Transactional Art, From the Dump to Value of Values, invited talk, + round table with Prof Grau, O, Prof. Joker, V., Prof. Shurelov, V.; DA Feset (DIgital Art Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 30, 2021.
Benayoun, M., Master Class, Reification of Values, How Neuro-Designed Human Values Can Become Physical Artworks, E-Valuation, DA Fest (Digital Art Festival), French Institute in Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 29, 2021.
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, Value of Values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain, Glowing Globe, Artificial Art Alienated Symposium, online, Center for Innovative Media, KORTIL Gallery HKD, Ul. Strossmayerova, Rijeka, Croatia, September 23, 2021.
Benayoun, M., Chair, Keynote Speaker, Posthuman art: Robots, Aliens, Chess, and Tokens, Symposium, Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Ars Electronica 2021, Linz, Austria, 11 Sept 2021.
Benayoun, M., speaker, Art-Technology-Architecture, Live Discussion, Ars Electronica Garden Thessaloniki, Ars Electronica Festival 2021, MindSpaces, September 9, 2021
Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Presenters, Value of Values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain Giving Shape to Human Values. Real-Time Short Cut From The Brain to the Blockchain, Closing Event: Real-Time Live Artistic Performance, The Rise of the Metaverse: Merging Physical and Digital Worlds, Live Performance online, RealTime Conference 2021, 28 April 2021.
Benayoun, M., Invited speaker, Appreciating and Collecting Digital Art, Panel discussion, workshop of valuing and study digital art, Asia Society, Bloomberg, 10 Aug. 2021.
Benayoun, M., Keynote speaker, Artificial Intentionality: from Behavior Analysis to Behavioral Design. The Future of Dataism, 4th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2021 (IEEE ICKII 2021), Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan IEEE Tainan Section Sensors Council (IEEE TSSC) International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention (IIKII) Taichung, Taiwan, 23–25 Jul. 2021
Benayoun, M., Moderator, and Session Chair, Space in the Mind of A Machine, Keynote Lecture, Art Machines 2: International Symposium on Machine Learning and Art 2021 (AM2), School of Creative Media, Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong, 10 Jun. 2021.
Benayoun, M., moderator, The Aesthetics of Trans Media and the Humanities Across Media Platforms: Philosophy of Trans Media: Transmedia and the Sublime, Dongguk University and Cornell University, Seoul, Korea, 18 May 2021.
Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Invited speaker, Value of Values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain Giving Shape to Human Values. Real-Time Short Cut From The Brain to the Blockchain, The Rise of the Metaverse: Merging Physical and Digital Worlds, RealTime Conference 2021, 28 Apr. 2021.
Benayoun, M., Invited speaker, From the Art Object to the Art-subject, a New Ontology of Art Forms, Invited Lecture, Augmented Creativity Lab Zoom Talk Series, Interdisciplinary Research Labs, Hong Kong Baptist University, 28 Apr. 2021.
Benayoun, M., Invited speaker, Virtualisation vs Financialization of Digital Artistic Practice: The Future of Crypto-Activism, talk, Laval Virtual, 14 Apr. 2021.
Benayoun, M., Keynote speaker, How the pandemic reveals the inexorable shift of human values, The new forms of propagation of art, between perversion and virality, Online Lecture, Post Reality, Lahore Digital Arts Festival (LDF), 23 Mar. 2021.
Benayoun, M., Avant la symbiose, opening keynote, Comité de pilotage d’ISEA2023, including all symposium’s institutional partners, March 2021
Benayoun, M., Invited speaker, Art in the time of the art subject, The public-artist and the museum-world, Online Panel, Space & Aesthetics Talk Series: What can cognitive science bring to museums and artists?, Abstract Art in the Age of New Media, Digital Art Exhibition, MoCDA The Museum of Contemporary Digital Art, 4 Mar. 2021.
Benayoun, M., Art and Values, from the Brain to the Blockchain, Invited speaker, “Hybrid Conference on Global Trends of Contemporaneity”, Metaculture conference, Method Place, Moscow, Dec 10-11th, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Re-shuffling values in times of pandemics, When Transactional art provides the thermometer, Invited speaker, “Trans Media Art Workshop: Technics Improvised: Thinking Media Art in COVID Time”, Dongguk University + Cornell University, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 18th, 2020.
Benayoun, M., « Comment le biofeedback sonore contribue au neuro-design des valeurs humaines. » (How sound biofeedback contributes to neuro-design human values), Invited speaker, Colloque International Mondes Spatialisés, (International Colloquium Spatialized Worlds), Université de Saint Etienne, France, Nov 3rd, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Ag, T. R., After the Tunnel, the shifting ontology and ethology of the emerging art-subject, Invited speaker, “Why Sentence?”, full paper, ISEA2020 online, proceedings, Oct 15th, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Speculative Speculations on Art and Values, How Linking the Brain to the Blockchain Reveals the Value of Human, Invited speaker, Online open lecture, Hong Kong Garden, Ars Electronica Voyage Channel, Ars Electronica Festival 2020, Sept 12th, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Ars Electronica 2020 Symposium, Public Symposium: Why and How Artworks Feel?, Host and Speaker, Collaborative project MindSpaces & MindSpaces HK / CityUHK, Online open lecture, Hong Kong Garden, Garden Thessaloniki, Ars Electronica Festival 2020, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, SCM, CityU, Sept 9-13th, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Anadol, R., Dialogue about DïaloG, Conversation between Refik Anadol (LA) and MoBen (HK), Invited speakers, DïaloG collaborative project, MindSpaces & MindSpaces HK / CityUHK, Online open lecture, Hong Kong Garden, Garden Thessaloniki, Ars Electronica Voyage Channel, Ars Electronica Festival 2020, Ars Electronica, MindSpaces, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, SCM, CityU, 9 Sept. 2020. Sept 20th, 2020.
Benayoun, M., ART SHIFTS step by step, Keynote Speaker, “Meet the Media Guru with Maurice Benayoun, Digital Innovation for Culture”, (Online Lecture), MEET Digital Communication srl Impresa Sociale, Milan, Italy, Jun 30th, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Art from connection to pervasion, Invited Speaker, “Pt.1Telemechanics, 101. ALL in One Online Festival”, 101 Mediapoetry, Jun 20th, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Transactional Art from the Brain Factory to Value of Values, Invited Speaker, “Derrick de Kerckhove’s Lecture CAFA: a new Art Collective, Online Open Lecture, CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing), May 22nd, 2020.
Benayoun, M., What is the Value of Values in the Brain factory, Invited Speaker, “Derrick de Kerckhove’s Lecture CAFA: a new Art Collective”, Online Open Lecture, CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing), May 8th, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Heritage of the New Media, Keynote Speaker, “40 years of media art practices and cases studies applied to media art education”, Fifth International Online New Media and Education Congress (Videoconference), Anilla Cultural, May 5-6th, 2020.
Benayoun, M., “Interfacing COVID 19: the technologies of contagion, risk, and contamination”, -empyre- new media listserv (online), Featured Guest, Apr 1-21st, 2020.
Benayoun, M., The new frontiers of Art: from the Brain to the Block(un)chain(ed), Keynote Speaker, “Content Insight”, Seoul, Korea, Dec. 9th, 2019
Benayoun, M., When Artworks Speak, from VR to Blockchain, Keynote, MSR’19 – SIGGEN event Second Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realization, Hong Kong, Nov 3rd, 2019
Benayoun, M., Value of Values at the MOCA, “ReTransSens”, Invited Speaker, Digital Art Festival, MOCA Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 26, 2019
Benayoun, M., Value of Values by the Brain Factory, opening talk, ACMMM2019, Acropolis, Nice, France, Oct 21st, 2019.
Benayoun, M., Brain Factory and Value of values in MindSpaces, invited speaker, “Sustainable Transformations Seminar Day. Exploring the arts and creativity as stimulation for innovations and technologies”, S+T+Arts, BOZAR, Brussels Oct. 17, 2019
Benayoun, M., Value of Values in the Mindspaces, Invited Speaker, “Starts Days”, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, 2019
Benayoun, M., Neuro-Design of Values, MindSpaces International Workshop, Paris, France, Jul 4th, 2019
Benayoun, M., Keynote Speaker, “From VR to Transactional Art”, ISEA2019 x Hyundai Motorstudio, Seoul ARTLAB | Hyundai Motor Company, Hyundai Motorstudio Seoul, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 27 Jun 2019.
Benayoun, M., Lecture, « Value of Values, Speculative Speculations on the Blockchain », ISEA2019, Gwangju, South Korea, Jun 25, 2019
Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., keynote speakers, « Value of values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain », ISEA2019 VoV IVO, Art Center Nabi, Tazak Madang, Seoul, South Korea, Jun 5, 2019
Benayoun, M., keynote speaker, « Will the VRoovie replace the Movies? From immersion to Critical Fusion, How Media Art opened the path to new narratives beyond the screen: VR, AR and after …”, International Symposium on Chinese Cinema in the 21st Century, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, China, 10-12 May 2019.
Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Atom, Bit, Coin, Transactional Art Between Sublimation and Reification, Art Machines: International Symposium on Computational Media Art, SCM, CityU, Hong Kong, Jan. 2019 Proceedings, pp 96-98, (ISBN: 978-962-442-421-8).
Benayoun, M., Keynote speaker, “Matter Doesn’t Matter”, Urban Media Art Academy, Media Architecture Biennale, CAFA, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China, 13-18 Nov. 2018.
Benayoun, M., organizer, speaker, “The value of experience in Media Art Education, Open Sky Campus, Border Diggers, 2 case studies”, Workshop on media and art, Cornell University, Peking University, CityUniversity, School of Creative Media, CityU, 5-8 Oct. 2018
Benayoun, M., keynote speaker, “Spidercity, So Many Eyes on the Urban Web”, The meanings of the connected city, UNESCO Media Arts Creative City Network Policy Forum 2018, ACC Conference Hall, Gwangju, Republic of Korea, 29 November 2018.
Benayoun, M., and Klein, T., “From the Brain Factory to Value of Values”, Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2018: “Much Ado About Everything – Artist Symposium, Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong, 28 October 2018.
Benayoun, M., and Klein, T., “Value of values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain”, Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2018: Much Ado About Everything – Unconference, Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2018, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 27 October 2018.
Benayoun, M., keynote speaker, The International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges: The Digital Outbreak: the End of the End of Art, Department of Audio and Visual Arts (Ionian University), Corfu, Greece, 1-3 June 2018
Benayoun, M., keynote speaker, The Aesthetics of Trans Media and the Humanities Across Media Platforms: The Digital Drift in Art: from Media to the World as a Brain-Controlled Medium, Dongguk University, and Cornell University, Seoul, Korea, 18 May 2018
Benayoun, M., moderator, The Aesthetics of Trans Media and the Humanities Across Media Platforms: Philosophy of Trans Media: Transmedia and the Sublime, Dongguk University and Cornell University, Seoul, Korea, 18 May 2018
Benayoun, M., moderator, The Aesthetics of Trans Media and the Humanities Across Media Platforms: Public Artist Screenings and Dialogues, Dongguk University and Cornell University, Seoul, Korea, 18 May 2018
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, To be a Media Artist: Après la peinture, Lycée Français International de Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 20 April 2008
Benayoun, M., keynote speaker, VR, Between Sublimation and Reification: The Avatars of Materiality in the Age of Artificial Virtuality, ACM VRIC, Laval Virtual, Laval France, 30 Mar – 6 Apr. 2018
Benayoun, M., keynote speaker, Critical Fusion: Fiction Fighting for Reality in the Urban Battlefield Symposium Emergent Visions: Adjacency and Urban Screens, The School of Art, Design, and Media, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, 30 Mar – 01 Apr 2018
Benayoun, M., moderator, Panel Discussion: Art and Conflict, Art Central, Hong Kong, 27-31 March 2018
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, Creating the World out of the Human Brain, French consulate of Hong Kong, Asia Society, Hong Kong, Jan. 25, 2018
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, The Genesis at the End of the Beginning, Ecotic symposium, French Embassy, Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 24, 2018
Benayoun, M., keynote speaker, Tracking the Obstacles in Mediated Communication, Exhibition Opening Seminar, Museum of Fine Arts, Nanjing University, China, 20 Dec. 2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, Recalculating: Are We Lost in the Future of Art? Institute of Fine Arts, Nanjing University, China, 18 Dec. 2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, Media Arts and its Chinese Public, On the road Symposium, Guan Shanyue Museum of Art, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, La Réalité et le Virtuel de la Genèse à l’Apocalypse, in I love Transmedia, La Gaité, Paris, France, 06 Oct., 2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, The 1st International Forum for Creative Mobilities, France-Colombia 2017, Grenoble, France, 28-30 Sep 2017
Benayoun, M., keynote speech, Artech 2017: the 8th International Conference on Digital Arts, Macau, Artech International / University of Saint Joseph – Faculty of Creative Industries (Macau-China), 6-8 Sep 2017
Benayoun, M., Master’s Class and Workshop, Crossing Cultural Borders and Virtual Obstacles, Workshop, Nanjing University, China, 21-27 August 2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, From Information technologies (IT) to VR based art practice through communication obstacles, Lecture, Nanjing University, China, 22 August 2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, The obstacle: What kind of obstacle makes communication between people of different origin, location, and culture, more difficult?, Lecture, Nanjing University, China, 23 August 2017
Benayoun, M., keynote speaker, “AI, All Too Human”, in Why future still needs us: AI and humanity and Machination, Robotronica 2017, QUT Art Museum, 2 George St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia, 19 August 2017
Benayoun, M., Master’s class, Goldsmiths University, London, UK, August 10, 2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, A journey into the sense of smell…, Marmite fun literary salon #2, Charbon Art Space, 8/F, Sing Tek Factory, 44 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, 20 June 2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, An Interactive salon of Art, Innovation, Education, and Conversation, A View from the Cloud, World Council of Peoples for the United Nations (WCPUN) and Streaming Museum, United Nations Church Center 777 UN Plaza, 44th Street, New York, 17 May 2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, Urban Media Art vs. Urban Cosmetics, Pre-Launch: URBAN MEDIA ART ACADEMY – What Urban Media Art Can Do – Why When Where and How?, Goethe-Institut, Jim Thompson House & Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Jim Thompson House, 6 Soi Kasemsan, Rama 1 Road, Bangkok, Thailand, 23 April 2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, Seminar on Artistic Concept Development: How to Create an urban media art project for Bangkok?, Pre-Launch: URBAN MEDIA ART ACADEMY – What Urban Media Art Can Do – Why When Where and How?, Goethe-Institut, Jim Thompson House & Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Goethe-Institut, 18/1 Soi Goethe, Sathorn 1, Bangkok, Thailand, 25 April 2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, Tectonics of Tactics in the Urban Context: A case Study, Pre-Launch: URBAN MEDIA ART ACADEMY – What Urban Media Art Can Do – Why When Where and How?, Goethe-Institut, Multi-function Room, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, 939 Rama 1 Rd, Pathum Wan, Bangkok, Thailand, 26 April 2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, Urban Media Art and Media Art Practice, Urban Media Art and Media Art Practice, Art and Design Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 13-17 April 2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker and moderator, Technologies of the Present | New Media at Work, Technologies of the Present / New Media at Work, Salon, Auditorium on Level 1, Entrance Hall 1A, Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Centre, Hong Kong, 23 March 2017
Benayoun, M, “Symposium Art and the Future City”, RITCS | Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema & Sound, Erasmus University College, Brussels, Belgium, 19-20.02.2017
Benayoun, M., invited speaker, The Open Sky Project in Hong Kong: artists fighting for the skyline Emotions and Critical Fusion in the urban landscape, Symposium Art and the Future City, Beursschouwburg, Rue Auguste Orts 20-28, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium, 19-20 January 2017
Benayoun, M, Restauration du Media Art: Entre Réparation et Régénération: Du Diable au Pays de la Guerre, Art numérique et postérité, Labex Arts-H2H, BnF, Lab. INREV de l’Université Paris 8, Living Art Lab, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, France. 07-09.12.2016
Benayoun, M., Keynote: Des Quarxs à la Brain Factory, Dialogue between Maurice Benayoun and François Schuiten, Machines à dessiner à l’heure du numérique”, Musée des arts et métiers, Paris, France, 08.12.2016
Benayoun, M., The Value of Experience in Urban Media Art Education: A Full Size Case Study, Creative Arts in Tertiary Education CATE Roundtable 2016: An Inter-tertiary Symposium on Creative Arts Education in Hong Kong, Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, The Education University of Hong Kong, 01.12.2016
Benayoun, M., Machine generation, Neural Selection, Wetware and Reversed Designing, NCC2016: CT FORUM + DICON = Next Content Conference, The Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA), COEX, Seoul, 15 – 16.11.2016
Benayoun, M., Artist talk, The Unpredictable Future of Dumped Art Project and his online work – The Dump – that became eventually a doctorate thesis, “Translatio Exhibition”, CHARBON art space, Hong Kong, 08.10.2016
Benayoun, M., keynote: Internet – the Sublimation of the Global Body, “The First Summit Forum for Global Internet Governance”, Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Science. Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, 22.10 – 23.10.2016
Benayoun, M., keynote: Brain Factory, Festival des Bains Numériques, Centre des Arts, Enghien les Bains, France, Paragraphe Université Paris 8 et Réseau Arts Numériques, 01.06 – 06.06.2016. factory-prototype
Benayoun, M., The Memory Dump, the Disregarded Power of Undone Art, in e-discourse in online networked communities: structure, timing, tone, and affect, ISEA2016, 16.05-22.05.2016, Peer review speaker. ISEA2016_Proceedings Catalogue_P.423-425
Benayoun, M., Overscale Art in Public Space: from Play to Dysplay in “Gigantic: Mediation Beyond Surface”, ISEA2016, City University of Hong Kong, 16.05-22.05.2016, Peer review speaker. ISEA2016_Proceedings Catalogue_P.380-381
Benayoun, M., Urban Media War. the war for Attention, What Urban Digital Art Can Do? Human Vibration, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Chi K11 Art Space, Tsim Sha Tsui. 22.05.2016.
Benayoun, M., keynote: From LIGHTING to ENLIGHTENMENT, Light Making Sense, 2015 International Lighting and Creative City Forum, Guangzhou International Light Festival.15.11.2015
Benayoun, M, Connecting and Disrupting Public Space: from the Tunnel under the Atlantic to the Open Sky Gallery, ISEA2015, Vancouver, Canada. 14.08 – 08.08.2015. peer review lecture.
Benayoun, M., Déchiffrage et chiffrage de la création codée: 30 ans de pratique à risque dans le champ du numérique, video conference, ArtComTec, Transnumeriques, Mons 2015, Belgium, Café Europa, Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Mons, ARTS. 1.12.2015.
Benayoun, M., What Remains of Art when Technology Vanishes? 25 years of practice in spite of technology, ArtCamp ArtComTec videoconferencing seminars, Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art of the West Bohemia, University in Pilsen, European Capital of Culture 2015.
Benayoun, M., New Media Art Works: 1990 – 2016, conference invited by Prof Pierre Soulages, Universite Paris 8, France. 8.12.2015
Benayoun, M., Exhibition as Art. Art as Exhibition, invited by M. Bo Zheng, MA Digital Media for Curating Art. SCM City University of Hong Kong 19.11.2015.
Benayoun, M., Lecture: Maieutics in Museums. Egonomy of Cultural Data, video conference Museum in Motion symposium, University of Thessaly, Department of Architecture, Pedion Areos, 38334, Volos, Greece. 4.7.2015. Video:
Benayoun, M., “Connecting and Disrupting Public Spaces: from the “Tunnel under the Atlantic” to the Open Sky Campus », ISEA2015 proceedings, 2015, Vancouver,
Benayoun M., Bulk Keywords for Open Art Practice: Architecture, Wind, Emotions, Stock, Fragrance, Dump, War, Urban, Fusion, Memory, phatic, virtuality… , Seoul Art Space Geumcheon ‘DA VINCI CREATIVE 2015’ , Organized by Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Seoul, Korea, 3-30 Sep 2015
Benayoun M., “Connecting and Disrupting Public Spaces: from the ‘Tunnel under the Atlantic’ to the Open Sky Campus”, 21ST International Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA 2015, Vancouver, Canada, 14-18 August 2015
Benayoun M., “What Remains of Art When Technology Vanishes? 25 years of practice in spite of technology”. ArtComTec / videoconferencing seminars at ArtCamp 2015, organized by Université Européenne de la Recherche, Pilsen, Czech Republic, 27 July 2015
Benayoun M., « Maïeutics in Museums, egonomy of cultural data », “Museums in Motion” symposium, in University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th of July 2015
Benayoun M., « Diable est-il (toujours) courbe?”, Festival Futur en Seine – Exposition Des histoires d’art et d’interactivité, organized by UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 8, VINCENNES-SAINT-DENIS, Paris, 10-14 June 2015
Benayoun M., “Urban Media Art, Critical Fusion vs Urban Cosmetics”, challenge contemporary artistic and curatorial engagements with digital art in the urban domain, organized by Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, 12 June 2015
Benayoun M., “Corps Global et métabolisme géopolitique”, Pôles Culture et Luxe et HEC Marketing et Communication – L’art Numerique, Bastille Design Center, Paris, 31 March 2015
Benayoun M., “Critical Fusion vs Urban Cosmetics”, “Alternative Futures: Curating Hong Kong”-Public Workshop & Panel Discussion, public workshop, organized by Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zürich in collaboration with Zurich University of the Arts, Hong Kong, 15th March 2015
Benayoun M., “Art Open Sky Pervasion and Disruption of the Public Space”, Symposium Art and Public Space, Lessons from History, Current Example and Future Perspectives, organized by University of Applied Arts Vienna/Austria and School of Creative Media of CityU, Hong Kong, 12th March 2015
Benayoun M., “artiste et plasticien des arts numériques / Les Tunnels Around the World abolissent-ils les frontières, relient-ils les territoires par l’image? ” Aux frontiers du reel… et du virtuel / mobilités transfrontalières, 12e Rencontres Passeurs d’images, Paris, France, 18th December 2014
Benayoun M., “Creative Media from animation to public art”, China-UK Higher Ed Creative Media Forum, Shenzhen City’s Commission on Science, Technology and Innovation, co-produced by the Shenzhen Commission and British Embassy’s Cultural-Education Section, Shenzhen, China, 15th December 2014
Benayoun M., “Digital Arts and Multi-Disciplinary Practice: The Artist in Science, History, and Cultural Studies”, SIGGRAPH Asia 2014, Asia Panels Explore the Evolution of Digital Art, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre, Shenzhen, China, 6th December 2014
Benayoun M., Touch the Virtual, SENSORIAL: Body, Media and the Relational World, LEEUM, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea, 28th October 2014
Benayoun M., “Emotion Winds 2014”, Artist’s talk, VIA art fair Hors-les-murs, Paris, France, 22nd October – 3rd November 2014
Benayoun M., “White Cube Alpha” (Perfume, Installation), Variation-Media Art Fair, Espace des Blanc Manteaux, Paris, France, 21st -26th October, 2014
Benayoun M., “KITSUN, an Example of Extended Relativity applied to Urban Navigation”, EuroplA 14: Architecture, City and Information Design, 14th International conference on advances in design sciences and technology, Nice, France, 1st October 2014
Benayoun M., « Aesthetics, Politics and Economics of Attention. The New Role of the Artist in Public Space at the Digital Era », « Transformation, Innovation, and Leap Development », BIT’s 1st Annual Global Congress of Knowledge Economy 2014 (GCKE-2014), Qingdao, China, 22 September 2014
Benayoun M., “Open Media Art from the Screen to the Public Space”, The End of Media, the Beginning of Art, Polytech.Science.Art, Polytechnic Museum, Moscow, Russia, 14th August 2014
Benayoun, M., Artist Talk, “Emotion Winds”, Metamorphosis of the Virtual 5 + 5, Chi K11 Art Space, K11 Concepts, Shanghai, China, 5th July 2014.
Benayoun, M., “De la vidéo à la fusion critique”, What is the Future of the Image in Our Hands with Digital tools, The Cinema Belongs to Us Conference, Mashup Film Festival, Forum des Images, Paris, France, 14th June 2014
Benayoun, M., 2014 CHCI Annual Meeting: Concept of Performance in New Media Art, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 7th June 2014
Benayoun, M., Art and Values Symposium, City University of Hong Kong & Osage Art Foundation, 17th May 2014
Benayoun, M., New Technologies and the Future of Humanities, ACM and Dept of English, 17th May 2014
Benayoun, M., Muséology seminar, IRI Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, 13th May 2014
Benayoun, M., Spectateur(s): Un Promeneur Augmenté, Lecture, Société Civile des Auteurs Multimédia and Paris 8 University, Paris, France, 7th-8th April 2014
Benayoun, M., Developing Common Stage International Forum, Zurich University of Art, 27th February – 1st March 2014
Benayoun, M., Besançon, Fl., “The Maieutic Engine, Beyond Recommendation in Cultural Databases”, Museums and the Web Asia, Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Hong Kong, 8th-12th December 2013
Benayoun, M., “Next Level of Art: Game”, Alice On, Seoul, South Korea, 9th November 2013
Benayoun, M., Keynote, “30 ans de 3D Française”, Centre des Arts, Enghein Les Bains, France, October 2013
Benayoun, M., Open Media Art, The New Relational Modalities in Art / World Immersion, Fusion, Critical Fusion, Keynote speech, “Extended Art” conference, University of Aegean, Syros, Greece, July 2013.
Benayoun, M., Workshop, Real and Virtual, “Extended Art” conference, University of Aegean, Syros, Greece, 15th– 20th July 2013.
Benayoun, M., Closing Open Media Art, Chairman’s conclusion, “Extended Art” conference, University of Aegean, Syros, Greece, 21st July 2013.
Benayoun, M., Open Media Art from Cosmetics to Critical Fusion, ISEA2013, Sydney, Australia, in Digital and Experimental Art: Past, Present, Future, June, 11. Peer review conf. A+.
Benayoun.M., Si Vis Pacem, Para Numerica Bellum, Digital Peace 2013, Platoon Kunsthalle, Seoul, Korea, 11th May 2013.
Benayoun, M., Workshop, Tisch Asia, New York University, Singapore, April 2013,
Benayoun, M., Art Shiftings, Friday Talks, Tisch Asia, New York University, Singapore, 26 April 2013.
Benayoun, M., Emotions and Interactivity, This Happened, K11 Art Space, Hong Kong, 21st February 2013.
Benayoun, M., Ubiquité et emotion, PREAC “Les lieux et les temps de l’image”, Videoconference, Centre des Arts, Enghien les Bains and CRDP Créteil, France, 12th December 2012
Benayoun, M., Emotion Scape, Economics of Emotions, (Keynote) Media Prism conference, Seoul, Korea, 24th November 2012
Benayoun, M., Art as Playtime, (Keynote) Playtime, Culture station, Seoul, Korea, 23rd November 2012.
Benayoun, M., Le Principe de réalité, l’art en fusion, (Keynote) Colloque International sur les pratiques de creation de l’Image numérique, Obs/In, Palais des congres, Arles, France, 19th October 2012.
Benayoun, M., Tunnels around the World, Artist Talk, Garage, ZERO1 Biennial, Jan Jose CA, USA, 12th September 2012
Benayoun, M., From Augmented Reality to Extended Art, talk and conf. organisation, H2H Lab days, Le104, Paris, 2nd-3rd April 2012
Benayoun, M., The Revenge of Homo Faber, Laval Virtual, France, 29th March 2012.
Benayoun, M., “The Art Collider” et la Creation transactionnelle, PraTIC, Les Gobelins, Paris, 20th February 2012.
Benayoun, M., Converging Parallel of Open Media Art, City University Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 7th February 2012.
Benayoun, M., Critical Fusion, step by step, Media Art Banquet, Artist Lecture Program, Parsons, the New School for Design, New York City, NY, 2nd February 2012
Benayoun, M., Open Media Art and Critical Fusion, Contemporary Voices, Cathy Brew, School of Visual Arts (SVA), New York City, NY, 2nd February 2012
Benayoun, M., The whisper of interactivity, Dodge Hall, Columbia University, New York City, NY, 1st February 2012
Benayoun, M., The Art Collider, an ecosystem for transactional creation, conference Columbia University, New York City, NY, 1st February 2012
Benayoun, M., Extended World, Réalité augmentée adaptative, SIME-SITEM, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, 25th January 2012.
Benayoun, M., Design comportemental et scénario d’environnement, Design moi un robot, round table, Cité du Design, Saint Etienne, France 24th January 2012.
Benayoun, M., Memory Dumped, de L’auto-archivage immédiat, Ecole supérieure d’Art de Bretagne, Lorient, Frnace, 7th December 2011.
Benayoun, M., L’éphémère Forever, e-Formes 4, CIEREC – Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, France, 3rd December 2011.
Benayoun, M., The Art Collider et la création transactionnelle, Journée d’étude PraTIC, Stratégies et pratiques alternatives des réseaux, école des Gobelins, France 21st November 2011.
Benayoun, M., 0.7 OPEN ART, Le Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains, Tourcoing, France, 9th November 2011.
Benayoun, M., H2H Art Lab, L’Art comme forme avancée de la recherche sur les médiations humaines, iMAL, Bruxelles, 2nd November 2011.
Benayoun, M., Creation as Research / Research as Creation, Monday Night Seminar, McLuhan Program, University of Toronto, Canada, 31st October 2011.
Benayoun, M., The Aesthetic and Informational Curvature of the World, Egonomics in Arts and Research, Keynote closing lecture, Meet The Media Guru, Digifest, Toronto, Canada, 27th October 2011.
Benayoun, M., Open Art et autres pratiques de survie, Musée des Beaux Arts d’Orléans, Orleans, France, October 2011.
Benayoun, M., Les débordements du numérique, Open Art et Fusion Critique, Entretiens Jacques Cartier, Montréal, Canada, 3rd October 2011.
Benayoun, M., Pecha Kucha, Entretiens Jacques Cartier, SAT, Montreal, Canada, 2nd October 2011.
Benayoun, M., Open Art, from the Dump to the Collider, Open World Forum, Paris, 24th September 2011.
Benayoun, M., Art et Internet, Nouvelles pratiques transactionnelles, Institut Français, Istanbul, Turkey, 19th September 2011.
Benayoun, M., CITU-Paragraphe in Supporting a Network of Excellence, ISEA, International Symposium on Electronic Arts, Istanbul Sabanci University, Turkey, 15th September 2011.
Benayoun, M., The Art Collider, Transactional Creation, Workshop, ISEA, International Symposium on Electronic Arts, Istanbul Sabanci University, Turkey, 15th September 2011.
Benayoun, M., Open Art, from Transactional Aesthetics to Critical Fusion, Futur en Seine, La Gaité Lyrique, Paris, 21st June 2011.
Benayoun, M., Media Art : Dialogue, Transactions, Emotions, (Keynote), Trangressing the Senses, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland, 19th May 2011.
Benayoun, M., E-Forecast, Economics of Emotions, Trangressing the Senses, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland, 20th May 2011.
Benayoun, M., Open Art: El Arte después de la technologia, Festival de la Imagen, Manizales, Colombia, 14th April 2011.
Benayoun, M., Fusion Critique, appropriation de l’espace public, Workshop, Ecole supérieure des Beaux Arts, Le Port, Réunion, March 2011.
Benayoun, M., The Art Collider: Towards Transactional Aesthetics, Against All Odds Project conference, School of Fine Arts, Athens, 19th January 2011.
Benayoun, M., Open Art: a Human to Human Permanent Lab, Social Innovation and Technological Innovation conference, Federal University Rio, November 2010.
Benayoun, M., Open Art? Fondation Genshagen, Berlin, Germany, 21st October 2010.
Benayoun, M., Open Art : le numérique… et après ? in Création artistique et révolution numérique, Observatoire des politiques culturelles, Conseil régional, Charbonnières les Bains, France, 4th October 2010.
Benayoun, M., Quand les émotions deviennent formes, ACM Siggraph France, Atelier BNP Paribas, 22nd June 2010.
Benayoun, M., Open Art, L’art après la technologie, Centre des Arts, Enghien les Bains, France, 17th June 2010.
Benayoun, M., Navigation sensible, interfaces intuitives, browsing urbain et navigation dans les données culturelles, i-expo, Paris, 9th June 2010.
Benayoun, M., Bases de données urbaines, Réalité Virtuelle et Réalité Augmentée, THD, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, 27th May 2010
Benayoun, M., Le devenir de l’A.M.E., la réalité virtuelle comme écosystème pour la création artistique, in 01 Design, Design assisté par concepteur, Couvent de La Tourette, L’Arbresle, France, 19th May 2010.
Benayoun, M., Open Art and other survival practices, School of Visual Art, New York City, NY, USA, 18th March 2010.
Benayoun, M., Open Art, Shifting the World, AAP Department of Art, Goldwin Smith Hall, Cornell University Ithaca, NY, USA, 16th March 2010.
Benayoun, M., Tinkering with the Art Collider, Thze Tinker Factory, Cornell University Ithaca, NY, USA, 15th March 2010.
Benayoun, M., Tools for Propaganda, World Skin, V2 Rotterdam, Pays Bas, 11th March 2010.
Benayoun, M., The Art Collider, INHA, Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, France, 19th February 2010.
Café des sciences, FMSH, Paris, France, 16th February 2010.
Benayoun, M., Ce qui reste quand on a coupé le courant, Colloque Collectionner l’art numérique et immatériel, Drouot Montaigne, Paris, 12th February 2010.
Benayoun, M., Works, Colloque Collectionner l’art numérique…, Drouot Montaigne, Paris, 12th February 2010.
Benayoun, M., Usages, TerraNumerica, conférence de clôture du programme de recherche, La Bellevilloise, Paris, 14th January 2010.
Benayoun, M., La Montre Verte, Living Things, Cap Digital, Paris, France, 6th January 2010.
Benayoun, M., Paris illumine Paris, Cap Digital, 16th December 2009.
Benayoun, M., Les émotions ont-elles une forme ? Du concept, au percept, à l’affect, tentative de réification de la subjectivité mondiale, Colloque Virtureal, CIRTES, Saint Dié des Vosges, 9th December 2009.
Benayoun, M., Le Monde en fusion critique, Entretiens Jacques Cartier, Hotel de Ville, Lyon, France, 1st December 2009.
Benayoun, M., The Art Collider, Workshop, San Francisco Art Institute, USA 10th – 16th November 2009.
Benayoun, M., artist’s talk, Digital Art International, La Cantine, 23rd October 2009.
Benayoun, M., Comment les émotions bouleversent le monde, ICC la Grande Arche, La Défense, France, 8th October 2009.
Benayoun, M., Appropriation artistique des systèmes d’information globaux, H2PTM, université Paris 8, Paris, France, September 2009.
Benayoun, M., Recherches et travaux, Bains Numériques, Centre des Arts, Enghien les Bains, France, 12th June 2009.
Benayoun, M., La crise de nerfs du corps global, Hyperurbain 2, la Cité des Sciences de la Villette, 3rd June 2009.
Benayoun, M., Emotivité augmentée, TED Paris, La Cantine, Paris, 28th May 2009.
Benayoun, M., Réalités mixtes, Immatérielles, la Maison des Métallos, Paris, 19th May 2009.
Benayoun, M., Du TelescopeRA à la Montre Verte, Mardis de l’innovation, Centre National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, 12th May 2009.
Benayoun, M., Les Quarxs, Dieu et le Diable, FMX09 Stuttgart, Germany, May 2009.
Benayoun, M., La Mécanique des émotions, MOBS Paris, May 2009.
Benayoun, M., Works, Kunst Universität, Linz, Austria, April 2009.
Benayoun, M., PhD in Art vs PhD Art, case study the Dump: defending a blog à la Sorbonne, Kunst Universität, Linz, Austria, April 2009.
Benayoun, M., Practices in mutations, from Video to Critical Fusion, San Francisco Art Institute, USA, April 2009
Benayoun, M., Works, from Virtual Reality to Critical Fusion, Espacio Fundacion Telefonica, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 2009.
Benayoun, M., Art after Technology, Facts and Impacts, Euro-american Forum for Cultural Cooperation, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 2009.
Benayoun, M., Questions, situations, immersion, fusion, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art, Dijon, France, March 2009.
Benayoun, M., L’Art d’après la technologie, Geneva Zoo, Switzerland, March 2009.
Benayoun, M., Au delà de l’image, la visite en situations, cité des sciences de la villette, Paris, France, February 2009.
Benayoun, M., L’expérience de l’exposition et la visite du sens, SITEM, Paris, January 2009.
Benayoun, M., Le virtuel et après, de l’immersion à la fusion critique, UTC Compiègne, France, 11th December 2008.
Benayoun, M., In Out x.0, La Maison Populaire, Montreuil, Paris, France, December 2011.
Benayoun, M., Le temps qu’il fait, la carte postale et l’interactivité, séminaire, eArts Community, Shanghai, China, 19th October 2008.
Benayoun, M., Experiencing Art: Immersed in Last Life, Centre d’Art Contemporain Laznia, Gdansk, Poland, 10th October 2008.
Benayoun, M., Telling Stories, in Last Life, Triennale, Milan, Italy, 24th September 2008.
Benayoun, M., Fusion Art + Technology, the Critical Mess, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 14th June 2008.
Benayoun, M., La Mécanique des émotions, table ronde, Pierre de la Coste, Le Cube, Issy les Moulineaux, 5th June 2008.
Benayoun, M., Au delà de l’image, la visite en situations, Cité des Sciences de la Villette, Paris, 29th May 2008.
Benayoun, M., Réalité augmentée, recherches en cours, Rencontres Cap Digital, Paris, 23rd May 2008.
Benayoun, M., (…) Fusion Critique (…), Observatoire des politiques culturelles, Grenoble, France, 13th May 2008.
Benayoun, M., Choses, IN-OUT, workshop, ENSA Nancy, March 2008.
Benayoun, M., Faire parler la pierre, le patrimoine réanimé, Laval, France, 27th March, 2008.
Benayoun, M., IN-OUT, la recherche au Citu, université Paris 1, France, 21st March 2008.
Benayoun, M., Memory skin and Eraser Glaze, sk-Interface conference, FACT, Liverpool, UK, 9th February 2008.
Benayoun, M., Ceci n’est pas l’exposition, exposition des Grandes Questions à la Décharge, Eesi (Ecole Européenne Supérieure de l’Image), Poitiers, France, January 2008.
Benayoun, M., Fusion Critique, espace, matière, distance, mémoire, ARTEM, L’Autre Canal, Nancy, France. 14th January 2008.
Benayoun, M., Questions, Situations, Fusion, Intentions: Art after Technology, Sala Parpallo, Valencia, Spain, 15th November 2007.
Benayoun, M., À Travers sens, H2PTM, Hammamet, Tunisia, 29th October 2007.
Benayoun, M., Terra Numerica, table ronde, Paris Innovation Tour, Cité des Sciences de la Villette, Paris, France, 25th October 2007.
Benayoun, M., Scénographie interactive, École des Beaux Arts, Metz, France, 22nd October 2007.
Benayoun, M., City Hacking, cartes à gratter le territoire, Programmation orientée art, LAM, Sorbonne, Paris, 20th October 2007.
Benayoun, M., De l’immersion à la fusion critique, LAM, Université Paris 1, Fracne, 16th October 2007.
Benayoun, M., Digital Wandering: from Immersion to Critical Fusion, Nasher Museum of Art, Duke University, USA, 12th September 2007.
Benayoun, M., Art and Dynamic Semantic Spaces, Université de Kalamoun, Syria, June 2007.
Benayoun, M., Modèles transactionnels symboliques et complexité, colloque Intelligences artificielles et complexité, vers les univers distribués, université Paris 8, France, May 2007.
Benayoun, M., Art, after Television, after Technology, after Art, Input 2007, Lugano, Switzerland, May 2007.
Benayoun, M., Fusion critique, de l’espace urbain et de ses dérives numériques, Colloque Hyperurbain, Université Paris 8, France, March 2007.
Benayoun, M., Design comportemental et intelligence artificielle, Lip6, Université Paris 6, Paris, February 2007.
Benayoun, M., Parcours d’artiste, Le Cube, Académie de Versailles, France, February 2007.
Benayoun, M., Des émotions à la décharge, Couvent des Récollets, Paris, February 2007.
Benayoun, M., L’art hors cadre, Ecole des Beaux Arts de Monte Carlo, Imagina Monaco, January 2007.
Benayoun, M., Shut Up and Feel! Architecture as a Social Dialogue, Workshop, Université Polytechnique de Vienne, Vienna, Austria, January 2006.
Benayoun, M., L’action se déroule au fond de l’image à gauche, Heure Exquise, Musée des Beaux Arts, Lille, France, November 2007.
Benayoun, M., Immersion Situation: Metaphysics of Games, Mechanics of Human Dialogue, Rotterdam, Netherlands, October 2006.
Benayoun, M., Short Cuts : c’est pas du cinéma, Festival du cinéma Méditerranéen, Montpellier, France, October 2006
Benayoun, M., Dérives singulières de la photographie, Rencontres photographiques, Arles, France, July 2006.
Benayoun, M., Abusage des interfaces, Interfaces, Université Paris 8, Saint-Denis, France, June 2006.
Benayoun, M., Proxima, Château Karoly, Fehervarcsurgo, Hungary, June 2006.
Benayoun, M., Trafiquant d’émotions : le jeu dans l’art numérique, Ecole des Beaux Arts de Poitiers, France, June 2006.
Benayoun, M., La cartographie émotionnelle de la planète, Festival de la 4ème dimension, Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France, June 2006.
Benayoun, M., La classe électrique et la disparition de l’ordinateur, Colloque CIUEN, l’Université à l’ère numérique, Cité des Sciences de la Villette, Paris, France, May 2006.
Benayoun, M., Art Situations and Critical Fusion, Modern Museum, Stockholm, Sweden, April 2006.
Benayoun, M., Situations et fusion critique, Observatoire des politiques Culturelles, Grenoble, France, May 2006.
Benayoun, M., Education, Création, Révélation, Transmission, Mediare la Scuola, Indire, Florence, Italy, March 2006.
Benayoun, M., La Mécanique des émotions, Institut Français de Berlin, Germany, February 2006.
Benayoun, M., L’Art immersif et ses débordements, rencontre avec Maurice Benayoun et ses invités, Le Cube, Issy les Moulineaux, Paris, France, January 2006
Benayoun, M., Internet, les artistes et le Peer to Peer, Rencontres d’Autrans, France, January 2006.
IN-OUT, la création transactionnelle, H2PTM, IN-OUT, Université Paris 8, Saint Denis, November 2005.
Proxima, closer to experience, Schloss Bröllin, ACCR, Germany, November 2005.
La muséographique en acte, ICHIM 05, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, September 2005.
Escape Virtuality, VR Futures, Salford University, Manchester, UK, 2005
Cosmopolis, VR, Museography: Unshaping the City and the Emotions, University of Tongi, Shanghai, China, May 2005
Digital Image : Just Dig It!, Université de Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA, March 2005.
Back to Reality, from Immersion to Critical Fusion, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA, March 2005.
Media Art, Early and Recent Works, UCSD, San Diego, California, USA, mars 2005.
CITU, excenter for new media art, Transmediale Berlin, Germany, February 2005.
Multimédia et scénographie, round table, SITEM, Paris, February 2005
Quelques dispositifs interactifs et autres pratiques récréatives de survie, Workshop, École des Beaux Arts, Réunion, January 2005.
Le passage à l’acte : de l’immersion à la fusion critique, Ecole polytechnique d’Annecy, France, January 2005.
Workshop Immersion, Ars Numerica, Montbéliard, France, December 2004.
Immersion et fusion critique, Colloque, Immersion et performance, Nicéphore Days, Chalon sur Saône, France, November 2004.
Recherche artistique et création technologique, table ronde, Nicéphore Days, Chalon sur Saône, France, November 2004.
Parcours numériques, Université du Val de Marne, France, November 2004.
Immersion, Situation and Critical Fusion, DEAF 04, Rotterdam, Netherlands, November 2004.
Work and research, conférence, University of Beijing, China, November 2004.
Dynamic Architectures of Communication, from Immersion to Critical Fusion, Summit Internet and Multimedia, Beijing, China, October 2004.
Entretiens Jacques Cartier, SAT, Montréal, Canada, October 2004.
Création / Recherche, clôture journées Villette Numérique, Cyberbase, Cité des sciences et de l’industrie Paris, September 2004.
From Television to Immersion, Royal University College of Fine Art, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2004.
De L’immersion à la fusion, le virtuel en situations, Colloque de Cerisy, France, July 2004
Dimension artistique et socio-économique de la création numérique, Université de Rouen, UFR de psychologie, sociologie, sciences de l’éducation, France, June 2004.
Recherche et création dans le champ « innommable » des médias émergents, Rencontres art et multimédia, Finnish Institute, Paris, June 2004.
Le virtuel à l’oeuvre dans le paysage numérique, Ecole des Beaux Arts de la Réunion, Réunion, June 2004.
From Immersion to Critical Fusion, Digital Avant Garde, Austrian Cultural Forum, New York, NY, USA, May 2004.
Art en échange, Nord Sud Est Ouest, École des Beaux Arts de Metz, France, May 2004.
Nouvelles formes de la création numérique, Observatoire des politiques culturelles, Grenoble, France, May 2004.
Dispositifs interactifs et autres pratiques récréatives de survie, UCOI, Réunion, April 2004.
Enjeux esthétiques et politiques du numérique, UCOI, Université de la Communication de l’Océan Indien, Réunion, April 2004.
Qu’est-ce que le contemporain?, Ecole d’architecture de Normandie, Rouen, France, April 2004.
De la synthèse à la fusion critique, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France, February 2004.
Création numérique et art contemporain, Observatoire des politiques culturelles, Grenoble, France, December 2003.
Enjeux esthétiques du numérique, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts, Paris, November 2003.
CITU et création interactive, Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, 27th September 2003.
Transdisciplinarité virtuelle, con-fusion et sens dessus dessous, H2PTM, Créer du sens à l’ère du numérique, Université Paris 8, 26th September 2003.
CITU et art numérique, FRAAP, Paris, September 2003.
L’Art immersif et après…, Digital Art, ICHIM, International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting, September 2003.
Deconversation, performance avec Steve Mann, Pierre Levy et Derrick de Kerckhove, Deconism Gallery, Toronto, Canada, August 2003.
Carbon vs silicon, Banff Centre, Alberta, Canada, August 2003.
Art virtuel et muséographie, Ingenirium, Laval, France, June 2003.
References Virtuelles, Remix conference, IRCAM, Paris, 2003.
Générateur de failles psychologiques intégré, 2013, conférence-fiction, RIAM, La Belle de Mai, Marseille, France, April 2003.
Art numérique, exposition Et Voilà le Travail, Montreuil, France, March 2003.
Patrimoine et Multimédia, Fontevraud Abbey, France, March 2003.
Art interactif et réalité virtuelle, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Telecoms, Paris, France, February 2003
Architecture organique, Prospective 2100, CNRS, France, February 2003.
Oeuvres interactives, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, January 2003.
Art virtuel, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Réunion, January 2003.
Création numérique et réalité virtuelle, ILOI, Réunion, January 2003.
Représentation/situation, fluidité et rugosité du virtuel, Artmedia 8, CFCE, Paris, November 2002
Le jardin virtuel et autres dérives de la nature, colloque Le virtuel et le lierre, Fontevraud Abbey, October 2002.
Net Lecture, EVL, Electronic Visualisation Lab, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA, September 2002.
Artistic F[r]ictions: Roughing Up Digital Space, Digital Terror, CTheory Multimedia, Tim Murray, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, September 2002.
Maurice Benayoun’s Works, School for Visual Arts, Kathy Brew seminar, New York, USA, September 2002.
Watch-Out! Wireless and recent works, University of Seoul, South Korea, September 2002.
Projet de station de métro interactive à Paris, Alliance française, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, August 2002.
Installations 3D et environnements interactifs, Goethe institut, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, August 2002.
Why history of art will probably forget Maurice Benayoun’s Art Work ?, Emoçao Artificial, Itau Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, August 2002.
De l’art de la situation à la scénographie organique, Colloque Poliéri, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, June 2002.
De l’art virtuel, le quotidien augmenté, La nouvelle interaction homme environnement, Séminaire X Aristote, Ecole Polytechnique, France, June 2002.
Réalité Virtuelle et Patrimoine, Fontevraud Abbey, May 2002.
Parcours d’artiste, conférence, Ecole des Beaux Arts de Poitiers, France, April 2002.
La rencontre, conférence, Abbaye de Royaumont, France, April 2002.
Art et cognition dans une perspective évolutionnaire, conférence, Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS Ulm), Paris, April 2002.
European Workshop on Culture and Technology, IST, Pistoia, Italy, March 2002.
Création artistique et intelligence artificielle, conférence, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Telecom (ENST), France, March 2002
Festival du Film de Bruxelles, Conférence, ANIMA, Belgium, February 2002
Parcours d’artiste, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, January 2002
L’auteur en question, colloque France Culture/SCAM, Centre Pompidou, Paris, January 2002
Travaux récents, Conférence Sorbonne, Paris, December 2001.
Le réseau et la création, séminaire Transfert, Paris, December 2001.
The Ultimate Audio-visual Experience, IST, Dusseldorf, Germany, December 2001.
Media Space, WAND 5, Stuttgart, Germany, November 2001.
From virtual to public space, conférence CAST 01, Franhaufer Institute, Bonn, Germany, September 2001.
Behind the scene, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria, September 2001.
Dynamic Space and Interactive practices, conférence et workshop, University of Stuttgart, Germany, July 2001.
Master class, Television Festival, Banff, Canada, June 2001.
Cyberpitch, table ronde et jury, Television Festival, Banff, Canada, June 2001.
États de la recherche, ECM, Maison Populaire de Montreuil, France, June 2001.
Le virtuel dans l’art, ASTI, Cité des Sciences de la Villette, France, April 2001.
Art et virtuel, Musée de Corte, France, February 2001.
Art et multimédia, Journées de l’enseignement multimédia, Académie de Versailles, CNIT, la Défense, France, February 2001.
Créations Interactives, Carrefour de l’image de l’Océan Indien, L’ILOI, Le Port, Réunion, February 2001
L’art numérique est-il contemporain? Table ronde, ISEA 2000, Forum des images, Paris, December 2000.
Pratiques artistiques, recherches actuelles, la Sorbonne, ISEA 2000, Paris, 9th December 2000.
Architecture+Media : explorer l’architecture, table ronde, Institut Français d’Architecture, Paris, December 2000
Art, Design et interactivité, ISEA 2000, Forum des Images, Paris, 8th December 2000.
Rencontres européennes de la jeune création numérique, portrait d’auteur, Valenciennes, France, November 2000.
Les protos et l’art numérique, SAT, Festival du Cinéma et des Nouveaux Médias, Montreal, Canada, October 2000.
Interactive and VR creations, World@rt, VRCenter Nord, Ålborg, Denmark, October 2000
Methodology in VR concept development, World@rt, VRCenter Nord, Aalborg, Danemark, octobre 2000.
Voila, La mémoire, Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris, Paris, September 2000.
Velocity in Cultural Development, Culture on the Move, Hanover, Germany, September 2000.
Vision interactive, des Quarxs à Art Impact, Prix Italia, Bologne, Italy, September 2000.
L’esthétique du Virtuel, Prix Italia, Bologne, Italy, September 2000.
Art Outsiders, Le virtuel, Passage à l’art, Maison Européenne de la photographie, Paris, France, September 2000.
Etat des arts de la réalité virtuelle, Table ronde Laval Virtual, Laval, France, May 2000
Créations interactives et réalité virtuelle, Observatoire des politiques culturelles, Le Magasin, Grenoble, France, 16th May 2000.
Utopie et création interactive, Utopi@, le Grand Hornu, Belgium, 24th March 2000.
Créations interactives, IIème symposium mondial des technologies de l’information (FWS), Futuroscope, Poitiers, Frnace, March 2000.
Nouveaux systèmes d’imagerie en 3 dimensions, applications développements et perspectives, IIème symposium mondial des technologies de l’information (FWS), Futuroscope, Poitiers, France, February 2000.
Situations en question. Pratiques interrogatives, de la vidéo au virtuel, CRECA, Université de Paris 1, France, 24th February 2000.
Emotion et interactivité, table ronde, IMAGINA, Paris, February 2000.
Crossing Talks, Communication Rafting, conférence: Interactivité+Immersion=la nouvelle dimension, IMAGINA, Monte Carlo, February 2000.
L’attente des artistes face aux technologies, Table ronde PRIAMM, IMAGINA, Monte Carlo, February 2000.
Virtual Reality and Art, Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), University College London, London, UK, 22nd December 1999.
Un art coupable mais toujours libre, Pendulum Symposium, Mediaterra, Athens, December 1999.
Le ZA Profiler en action dans le Tunnel, ReViCo (Réalité Virtuelle et Cognition), ENST, Paris, 15th December 1999.
Crossing Talks, Institut français de Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, October 1999.
L’éthique otaku : tous seuls ensemble, la crise de contact et autres troubles des sens, colloque OTAKU, Maison de la Culture du Japon, Paris, 17th September 1999.
Siggraph 99, Experiential Computer Art, Los Angeles, California, USA, 12th Augusts 1999.
Intelligence connective, Workshop, FWS Sympsium, Futuroscope, Poitiers, France, March 1999.
Connective Intelligence, Workshop, Mediatech ’99, San Miniato, Italy, January 1999.
Metaphorical architecture for virtual worlds, Back to the CAVE, Stuttgarter Filmwinter Festival, Stuttgart, Germany, 16th January 1999.
Art and VR, conference, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, December 1998.
Art and Science symposium, Hakone, Japan, November-December 1998.
World Skin, Ars Electronica, Linz, September 1998.
Communicating Culture, Getty Center, Los Angeles, California, USA, October 1998.
Artist talk, Siggraph ’98, Orlando, Florida, USA, August 1998.
Crossing Talks, Pour une écologie des médias, 3ème rencontres internationales art-cinema-vidéo-ordinateur, Paris, April 1998.
Nouvelles technologies, image et réseaux, journées AMCSTI, Cité des Sciences de la Villette, Paris, April 1998.
Fête de l’Internet, conference, Centre culturel canadien, Paris, March 1998.
Virtual Communities, Madeira Technopolo, Madeira, Portugal, February 1998.
Rencontres ville, architecture et nouvelles technologies, Arc en Rêve, Bordeaux, France, January 1998.
Un safari photo au pays de la guerre, Opéra Totale, Venice, Italy, November 1997.
Art : nouvelles pratiques numériques. 1er forum de l’an 2000, Lyon, France, October 1997.
L’œuvre est au fond de l’image à gauche, ICHIM 97, the Louvre, Paris, September 1997.
Computer Construction of World Laws, Art as World Construction, Université of Aalborg, Denmark, May 1997.
Art as World Construction, Université of Odense, Denmark, May 1997.
L’oeuvre d’art et sa reproduction à l’ère des médias interactifs, Musée virtuel, CRI/Louvre/Sorbonne, France, April 1997.
Corps et pratique artistique, Cergy, France, April 1997.
Décor et nouvelles technologies de l’image, FEMIS, Paris, March 1997.
Espaces Virtuels métaphoriques, CAD Forum, Zagreb, Croatia, November 1996.
Quand l’homme de l’ère numérique finira-t-il de descendre de l’arbre ? Cyber@rt, Valencia, Spain, November 1996.
Le Diable est-il Courbe ? et l’Ecriture Interactive, Table ronde : Univers virtuels et comportements autonomes, Etats Généraux de l’Ecriture Interactive, Videothèque de Paris, France, October 1996.
Les Métamorphoses de l’œuvre, Table ronde F.A.U.S.T., Parc des Expositions de Toulouse, France, October 1996.
Mediartec ’96, Florence, Italy, May 1996.
Révélations virtuelles: les avatars de la vérité, La Musique et l’Image : vers de nouvelles interactions? IRCAM, Paris, June 1996.
Un printemps d’artistes, Ars Multimédia, Maison de la Culture de Metz, France, March 1996.
2005 l’Odyssée du Multimédia, conférence cybermédia, Paris, January 1996.
Les mutations de l’écriture interactive, Conservatoire européen d’écriture audiovisuelle, Paris, January 1996.
The Quarxs, Advanced Animation Techniques, French American Animation Conference, New York, USA May 1995.
La Genèse du réalisme interactif, L’art du virtuel, Imagina, Monte Carlo, February 1995.
Adam et Eve chassés du virtuel, réalités de la dimension interactive, le Vivant et le Virtuel, Théâtre 95, Cergy-Pontoise, France, December 1994.
L’A.M.E. et la réalité virtuelle, Assises du Métafort, Aubervilliers, Paris, France, October 1994.
Cinéma et images de synthèse, Université d’été, Enseigner le cinéma, pratique et enjeux, Université de Lyon, France, July 1994.
Les Quarxs, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, June 1994.
Les Quarxs, Médiascape 2 Symposium for the Media, Art and Culture, Zagreb, Croatia, June 1994.
Représentation tridimensionnelle et création multimédia, TiConUno, La Cultura dell’Interattività, Milan, Italy, June 1994.
Les Quarxs, Digimedia, La télévision rencontre le multimédia, Geneva, Switzerland, May 1994.
Nouvelles techniques, création et théorie, Les états de la création, Colloque international, Université de Lyon 2, France, January 1994.