09 Juin DïaloG in Barcelona
The Art of DïaloG: Are we immigrants in a machine World? ISEA2022 Talk June 13 Refik Anadol and Maurice Benayoun started the DïaloG project as an art experiment and...
The Art of DïaloG: Are we immigrants in a machine World? ISEA2022 Talk June 13 Refik Anadol and Maurice Benayoun started the DïaloG project as an art experiment and...
High-Speed Trading of Values on Etopia Center for Art and Technology Zaragoza Spain, Media Façade for the "VoV, Value of Values" show. "Value of Values"...
With Watch Out! 2018, urban media art installation, eyes wide open come from the buildings to look down to us as if somebody finally dares...
OPEN SKY GALLERY is an international platform and gallery designed to envision specially curated time-based artworks amidst Hong Kong’s public urban space. The Open Sky is a...
Artworks can now occupy the public space and share the economics of attention as advertising used to....
Displays in real time the stock valuation readouts next to emotional currents...
La Météo des émotions du monde (Emotion Forecast sur écran géant durant Show Off / La FIAC 2011...
Urban art interactive installation for eArts Festival Shanghai Octobre 18-22 2008...