in bold, solo exhibitions
Benayoun, M., Power Chess, robotic installation, “Interwoven Scape” exhibition, OplinePrize, Shenzhen Museum of Art, 7 Nov. 2023 – 14 Jan. 2024
Benayoun, M., Reified Absences, 3D printed sculptures, exhibition “Cerveau Machine”, Le Cube Garges, Garges lès Gonesse, France, 12 Sept. – 17 Dec. 2023
Benayoun, M., City Ads Values, Value of Values Trading Dashboard, Exhibition: Are You Working Now? National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Curator: Mike Stubbs, Taichung, Taiwan, August 12 – November 5, 2023,
Benayoun, M., Emotion Winds, “Light Year 98: Caution: Beautification in Progress”, Leo Kuelbs Collection, curator Kate Shin, Waterfall Mansion Gallery, video projection on Manhattan Bridge video mapping, June 1st, 2023,
Benayoun, M., with Mendoza, N., Klein, T., Barrière, J.-B., Value of Values, Osage Art Foundation, Art Basel, Hong Kong SAR, March 21-25, 2023,
Benayoun, M., with Mendoza, N., Klein, T., Barrière, J.-B., Value of Values, curator Ann Mak, Osage Art Foundation, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong SAR, March 17 – June 20, 2023,
Benayoun, M., with Mendoza, Barrière, J.-B., N., Klein, T., Value of Values, (M)ondes Paralleles, curators Véronique Baton – Jean-Jacques Gay, Le Grenier à Sel, Avignon, France, Oct. 7, 2022 – Jan. 22, 2023.
Benayoun, M., with Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., Morphogenesis of Values, HKACT11 Asia Society Hong Kong, curator Ann Mak, production Osage Art Foundation, Oct. 30 – Nov. 30 2022
Marfin A., HKDI Fashion Designers, Benayoun, M., HKRUNWAY, Fashion design, choreography, and VR, Asia Society Hong Kong, HKACT12, Osage Art Foundation, Oct. 29 2022
Benayoun, M., High Speed Trading of Values, Transactional Poetry, curator Jean-Jacques Gay, Oplineprize, Citeco, Nuit Blanche, Paris, France, Oct. 1st, 2022
Benayoun, M., with Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., Value of Values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain, Next World Forum, Four Seasons, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 7-8 September 2022
Benayoun, M., with Ray LC, Lindborg, PM., Kook, Vv., Power Chess, interactive, robotic art installation, Next World Forum, Four Seasons, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 7-8 September 2022
Benayoun, M., Anadol, R., DïaloG, urban media installation, ISEA2022 International Symposium on Electronic Arts, CCCB, MACBA, Barcelona, Spain, June 10-16, 2022.
Benayoun, M., with Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., Artists, Value of Values, TAKE YOUR TIME: Tongyeong Triennale 2022, Curator OMA Space Studio, Seoul, Korea, March 10 – April 16, 2022.
Benayoun, M., with Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., Artists, Value of Values, VidéoFormes Festival, Clermont Ferrand, France, March 10 – April 16, 2022.
Benayoun, M., with Nicolas Mendoza and Tobias Klein, Twodees, a series of printable 2D images produced out of the VoVs EEG-generated, Le Cube, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, January 13 – February 9, 2022.
Benayoun, M., with Nicolas Mendoza and Tobias Klein, VoV, Valor de los Valores, Etopia, Zaragoza, Spain, 16 Nov – 23 Dec, 2021
Benayoun, M., with Ray LC, Lindborg, PM., Kook, Vv., Power Chess, interactive, robotic art installation, AudioVideo Show, Focal Powered by Naim store in Prague, Czech Republic, from November 16, 2021.
Benayoun, M., with Nicolas Mendoza and Tobias Klein, “Value of Values”, interactive installation, DA Fest (Digital Art Festival), E-Valuation exhibition, Credo Bonum Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 26 – Nov. 7, 2021.
Benayoun, M., with Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., Artists, Value of Values, festical#21 La Chose Mentale, nfts at work. Le bel Ordinaire, Billère, France, October 7-30,2021.
Benayoun, M., with Ray LC, Lindborg, PM., Kook, Vv., « Power Chess », interactive, robotic art installation, Paris AudioVideo Show, Focal-Liam, Paris, France, October 23-24, 2021.
Benayoun, M., Yip, Ch., »Value of Values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain », Morphogenesis of Values Full Video, Glowing Globe, Artificial Art Alienated Exhibition, Institut français de Croatie, Center for Innovative Media, Zagreb, Croatia, November 4 – December 4, 2021.
Benayoun, M., 4 Emotions, 8 Winds, “Lumière, Espace, Temps”, Le Grenier à sel, Avignon, France, 9 Oct.-19 Dec. 2021.
Benayoun, M., Cassinelli, A., with Liu, J.-M., KooK, Vv., “Public Addictions”, Life of a Neuron Exhibition, Artechouse, Washington, DC, USA, September 27- November 28, 2021.
Benayoun, M., with Nicolas Mendoza and Tobias Klein, « Twodees », a series of printable 2D images produced out of the VoVs EEG-generated, Glowing Globe, Artificial Art Alienated Exhibition, Center for Innovative Media, KORTIL Gallery HKD, Ul. Strossmayerova, Rijeka, Croatia, September 22 – October 7, 2021.
Benayoun, M., Yip, K.M., Value of Values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain, Morphogenesis of Values Full Video, Glowing Globe, Artificial Art Alienated Exhibition, Center for Innovative Media, KORTIL Gallery HKD, Ul. Strossmayerova, Rijeka, Croatia, September 22 – October 7, 2021.
Benayoun, M., Park, L. S., Chief Curator, Co-curator, « Artificial Intentionalities:
Post-human humanities in the age of the art-subject », Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Ars Electronica 2021, Linz, Austria, 08-12 Sept 2021.
Benayoun, M., Mak, Ann, Chair, Curator, » GARDEN HONG KONG @ OSAGE », Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Focal-Niam, Osage Art Foundation, Ars Electronica 2021, Linz, Austria, 12 -17 Sept 2021.
Benayoun, M., Mak, A., Chair, Curator, Art in the Cloud, Online Exhibition, Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Ars Electronica 2021, Linz, Austria, 08 -12 Sept 2021.
Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., Artists, “Value of values”, EASEAS: Experiments in Art, Science, and Ethology of the Art-Subject, online showcase, Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Ars Electronica 2021, Linz, Austria, 08 -12 Sept 2021.
Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., Artists, “Value of values”, GARDEN HONG KONG @ OSAGE, Exhibition, Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Focal-Niam, Osage Art Foundation, Ars Electronica 2021, Linz, Austria, 12-17 Sept 2021.
Benayoun, M., with RAY L.C. and Kook, Vvzela, Artists, Power Chess, EASEAS: Experiments in Art, Science and Ethology of the Art-Subject, online showcase, Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Focal-Niam, Ars Electronica 2021, Linz, Austria, 08 -12 Sept 2021.
Benayoun, M., with RAY L.C. and Kook, Vvzela, Artists, Power Chess, GARDEN HONG KONG @ OSAGE, Exhibition, Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Focal-Niam, Osage Art Foundation, Ars Electronica 2021, Linz, Austria, 12-17 Sept 2021.
Anadol, R., Benayoun, M., Artists, Artists and presenter, “DïaloG” 360 video Introduction, EASEAS: Experiments in Art, Science and Ethology of the Art-Subject, online showcase, Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Ars Electronica 2021, Linz, Austria, 08 -12 Sept 2021.
Anadol, R., Benayoun, M., Artists, Artists and presenter, DïaloG 360 video Introduction, GARDEN HONG KONG @ OSAGE, Exhibition, Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Focal-Niam, Osage Art Foundation, Ars Electronica 2021, Linz, Austria, 12-17 Sept 2021.
Benayoun, M., Curator, » EASEAS: Experiments in Art, Science, and Ethology of the Art-Subject », online showcase, Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Ars Electronica 2021, Linz, Austria, 08 -12 Sept 2021.
Benayoun, M., Park, L.S., Curators, Galactic Wine Sharing Party, online showcase, Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Ars Electronica 2021, Linz, Austria, 12 Sept 2021.
Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., Value of Values, Exhibition The Mental THING – from NFTs to the work of art, Festival ACCES)S( #21 – Art and Technologies, Curated by JJ Gay, Le Bel Ordinaire, Pau, Béarn-Pyrénées agglomeration community, ephemeral gallery, Les Abattoirs Allée Montesquieu 64140 Billère, France, 6 October – November 27, 2021.
Benayoun, M., Anadol, R., DïaloG, The First Aliens’ Encounter, « Constructing Contexts », Curated by Klein, T., Guzman S.-R., Art Machines 2: International Symposium on Machine Learning and Art 2021 (AM2), School of Creative Media, Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong, June 10-20, 2021.
Benayoun, M., et al, curators, Art Spaceship, Virtual Exhibition, V.Art, 2021.
Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., “Value of Values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain Giving Shape to Human Values. Real-Time Short Cut From The Brain to the Blockchain”, Closing Event: Real-Time Live Artistic Performance, The Rise of the Metaverse: Merging Physical and Digital Worlds, Live Performance online, RealTime Conference 2021, 28 April 2021.
Benayoun, M., “Abstract Shot Desire #6”, “Abstract Shot Desire #9”, 2018. Abstract Art in the Age of New Media, Digital Art Exhibition, online Virtual Gallery, Curated by Marie C., MoCDA Museum of Contemporary Digital Art, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL, Hobs3D, February 8, 2021 – May 9, 2021.
Benayoun, M., « 4 Emotion 8 Winds », Internet and video of « Emotion Winds », Melting Point* exhibition, Festival Accès)s(20, curator: Jean-Jacques Gay, accès)s(, Bel Ordinaire, Billère, Pau, France, October 9 – December 12, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Ann Mak, Chief curator, Co-curator, « Planetary Wine Tasting Party », With Team: Yip, Ch., Park, L., Zhang, T, Chan, S., Hong Kong Garden, Kelper’s Garden, Ars Electronica 2020 Festival, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong, September 13, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Chair and Chief Curator, Concept and realisation, « Hong Kong Garden », Kelper’s Garden, Ars Electronica 2020 Festival, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, September 9 – 13, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Anadol, R., DïaloG: Alien life in the Telescope, Hong Kong Garden and Garden Thessaloniki, Kelper’s Garden, Ars Electronica 2020 Festival, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, September 9 – 13, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Hong Kong Escape Views, online version, 360 video panoramas, with Team: Cast: Natis le Renard, Project manager Ann Mak, Production Team: Charlie Yip, Eleanor Benayoun, Sam Chan, VR Integration, ND Lab: Sam Chan, Tony Zhang, Tim Leung Kin Lok, Hong Kong Garden, Ars Electronica 2020 Festival, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, September 9 – 13, 2020.
Benayoun, M., with Mendoza, N., and Klein, T., Edited Yip, Ch., Solo Exhibition III: Maurice Benayoun. Introduction to Value of Values, Video, Hong Kong Garden and Garden Thessaloniki, Kelper’s Garden, Ars Electronica 2020 Festival, Neuro-Design Lab, ACIM, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, September 9 – 13, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Value of Values – Exclusive VoVs, CADAF Online Art Fair 2020, Contemporary & Digital Art Fair, 25-28 June 2020.
Benayoun, M., Concerning Bodily Structures, MoCDA exhibition at CADAF Online Art Fair 2020, Museum of Contemporary Digital Art (MoCDA), 25-28 June 2020.
Benayoun, M., Value of Values. Digital Bodies, Concerning Bodily Structures, MoCDA exhibition at CADAF Online Art Fair 2020, Curated by Stina Gustafsson, Chloe Diamond, Serena Tabacchi and Marie Chatel, Museum of Contemporary Digital Art (MoCDA), June 25 – September 28, 2020.
Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., LUMIÈRE / ESPACE / TEMPS – Autour de Nicolas Schöffer, Avignon Arts Contemporains, Paris, France, April 2 – June 27,2020.
Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., Value of Values, Digital Art Festival 2019, Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 25 – Nov. 10, 2019.
Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., Transactional Poetry, Value of Values, Nuit Blanche, Paris, 100ECS, Oct. 2019. Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., Value of Values, BAUHAUS 100, Palazzo Buonaccorsi, Macerata, Italy, 18th July 2019 – Oct. 2019.
Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., Value of Values, #Ann MAK (SCM), Value of Values, 2 stations version, ISEA 2019 Special Exhibition – LUX AETERNA, The 25th International Symposium on Electronic Arts, (ISEA2019) Special Exhibition, ACC, Asia Cutlure Centre, Gwangju, Republic of Korea, 22 June – 28 July 2019.
Benayoun, M., Transactional Poetry, Generative poetry based on the actual transactions on the Blockchain, by VoV users, Online poetry, www.v-o-v.io, June 5th, 2019 -…
Benayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., Barrière, J.-B., #WANG, X. and #Mak, A., « ISEA2019 X VoV IVO” (Art project: Value of Values), ISEA2019 X VoV IVO (VIP Launch: Value of Values), Tazak Madang SKT HCI LAB, Art Center Nabi, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 5th June – 28th July 2019.
Benayoun, M., Curator, « On the Road – Young Media Artists in China – Nomination Exhibition” (Nominator, Chief Curator), One the Road, Sichuan Fine Art Institute, Chongqing, Sichuan, China, 5-24 March 2019.
ACM Siggraph Asia, The Torch is now in our Hands, art installation, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 5-7 2018
2018 Gawngju Media Art Festival 2018, Watch Out! 2018, Algorithm Society : The Birth of Machine-God, Guangju, Korea, Nov. 28 – Dec. 7, 2018
Microwave 2018, Brain Factory, Abstract Shots, City Hall, Hong Kong, Oct. 26 – Nov. 10, 2018
VIII Taskent Internationale Biennale of Contemporary Art, Emotion Winds, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Oct. 8-14, 2018
VIII Taskent Internationale Biennale of Contemporary Art, Abstract Shots, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Oct. 8-14, 2018
Bains Numérique, Biennale Internationale, Enghien-les-Bains, Emotion Forecast, exhibition: Human future: comment penser l’homme dans notre société de demain? Artist, Organized by Centre of the Arts, Enghien-les-Bains, France, 13-17 June 2018
ASTRI, Brain Cloud, “L’Esprit des Lumières” exhibition, Artist (with Tobias Klein), Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), Hong Kong 28 May 2017
ASTRI’s Smart City Innovation Centre, Astrilab, L’Esprit des Lumières exhibition, Concept and realitsation (with Tobias Klein), Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) in collaboration with CityU Hong Kong, SCM and ACIM, Hong Kong 28 May 2017
Technopolis (Gazi) Industrial Museum, Geometries – Emotion Forecast, exhibition Science Without Borders – Geometries, Artist, Organized Nina Colosi of Streaming Museum, Athens, Greece, 24-29 April 2018
Creative Media Center Gallery, Open Sky campus 2013-2016, exhibition On the Road – Young Media Artists in China, Curator, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 20 March – 19 April 2018
City University of Hong Kong Galleries, On the Road – Young Media Artists in China, Chief Curator, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 20 March – 19 April 2018
Laval Virtual, Brain Factory, exhibition Recto VRso IN- Art & VR Gallery, Artist, Curated by Laurent Chrétien, Laval Virtual, Laval, France, 3-8 April 2018
Cyland International Media Art Festival, Emotion Winds, exhibition Weather Forcast, Digital Cloudiness, St. Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design, St Petersburg, Russia, Feb. 2-12, 2018
Asia Society Hong Kong Centre, Brain Factory, Exhibition, The Night of Ideas – Digital interactive performances & installations, Artist, Organized Consulat Géneral de France á Hong Kong et Macao, Hong Kong, 25 January 2018
Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Border Diggers, Exhibition, Border Diggers-Collective Exhibitions of Nanjing University and City University of Hong Kong, Project Leader, Curated by CJ Chen, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, 20 December 2017 – 16 January 2018
Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Art, Borders Tunnel, Curated by CJ Chen and Maurice Benayoun, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Art, Nanjing, China, 20 December 2017 – 16 January 2018
Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Art, Just Dig It!, curated by CJ Chen, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Art, Nanjing, China, 20 December 2017 – 16 January 2018
Guan Shanyue Museum, On The Road, Young Media Artists en China, 35 installations, Appointed curator, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 2017
QUT Art Museum, Brain Factory Prototype Delta, exhibition Why Future Still Needs Us, Robotronica 2017, Organized by Art Center Nabi / Robotronica, 2 George St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia, 19 Aug -29 Oct 2017
European Cultural Center, a parallel exhibition of Venice Biennale, Personal Structures – open borders, Curator, GAA Foundation, Palazzo Mora, Venice, Italy, 13 May – 26 Nov 2017 (canceled last minute, space too small for the work)
Kunstraum Langenlois, White Cube Beta 11-20, exhibition Rendez-vous, Curated by Christina Lackner and Norbert Fleischmann, Langenlois, Austria, 2 April -03 September.2017,
Kong Art Space, Cyberkini, exhibition CARNIVAL, Curated by Caroline Ha Thuc, Amnesty International Hong Kong, 3 Staunton Street, Central, Hong Kong, 16-26.Feb2017
Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien, White Cube, l’essence de l’art contemporain Alpha 10-20, Emotion Winds and Falling Pixels, The Age of Experience, Curated by Harald Kraemer, Organized by Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien, Franz-Josefs-Kai 3, 1010 Wien, Austria, 01-20 December 2016,
Art Center Nabi, Brain Factory Prototype 2, Why Future Still Needs Us: AI and Humanity, organized by Art Center Nabi, SK Building 4F, 99 Seorin-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul, Korea, COMO, Seoul, Korea, 15 Nov 2016 – 20 Jan 2017
COEX, Emotion Winds, Why Future Still Needs Us: AI and Humanity – Global AI Hackathon, supervised by Art Center Nabi & Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity, organized by Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, KOREA, Creative Korea Expo, Seoul, Korean, 01-04 Dec 2016
Charbon Art Space, The Dump, Defense of the Dump (video), 4 pigment prints from The Dump Recycling of thoughts including Black Hole, Dump Poster Gdansk, Translatio Exhibition, organized by Charbon Art Space, 8/F Sing Tek Factory, 44 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, 24 Sep – 05 Nov 2016
Wolf Vostell Museum Malpartida, Video works Emotion wind, e-Forecast, Political Shife, Tunnels, World Skin, Arte es Digital. Digital es Arte, Curated Christina García-Lasuén, Organized by Open This End, Malpartida de Caceres, Spain, 29 Sep – 02 Oct 2016
Centre Culturel François Villon, Brain Factory Prototype, Festival des Bains Numériques, collaboration with Klein T., organized by Paragraphe Université Paris et Réseau Arts Numériques, 4 Rue Talma, 95880 Enghien-les-Bains, France, 06 Jun 2016
ISEA 2016, ICC Tower, Façade, Benayoun, M., founder and curator « Open Sky Gallery« , 17.05.2016. http://isea2016.isea-international.org/open-sky-gallery-is…/
ICC Tower, Façade, Benayoun, M., founder and curator « Open Sky Campus 2014-15, Semester II », School of Creative Media, CityU. 01.09 – 31.09.2015. http://www.openskygallery.net/
CityU. ICC Tower, Façade, Benayoun, M., Project Founder, Curator « Open Sky Campus 2015-16, Semester I », School of Creative Media, 01.03 – 31.03.2016. http://www.openskygallery.net/
Osage Gallery, Benayoun, M., « Just Dig It« , Solo Exhibition, Hong Kong, 20.04 – 25.05.2016. http://www.osagegallery.com/PressRelease/Maurice%20Benayoun%20Exhibition%20PR%20eng&chi.pdf
Animamix Biennale 2015-16, Benayoun, M., “Quarxs (91-93)”, Post Pixel. Video/drawings/furniture installation, Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, co-organised by City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre , Other Participating Institutes: Art:1 New Museum, Daegu Art Museum, Shanghai MOCA, CMC Gallery, L3, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, City, 21.03 – 17.04.2016. http://www.aaa.org.hk/BeyondAAA/WorldEvents/Details/22716
Union of Greek Archaeologists, Benayoun, M., “Emotion Winds”, Video/Internet/animation, Point Zero: Re-start exhibition, Athens Greece, 26.02-30.03.2016, http://www.ifa.gr/fr/arts-et-culture-fr/arts-plastiques-fr-fr-1/artsvisuels-fr-fr-1-1/6499-point-zero-re-start-fr
Waterfall Mansion Gallery, Benayoun, M., « Emotion Winds » and « White Cube Alpha », exhibition The Need For My Care, New York, NY, 03.02 – 20.04.2016, http://www.waterfall-gallery.com/current-exhibitions/mssduhr7zc7ib0t1pzdxuzkxzwsoa3
The Journal of Curatorial Studies, Toronto, Emotion Forecast, Journal of Curatorial Studies. Reception launch with Underpressure, Curated by Nina COlosi, Organized by The Journal of Curatorial Studies, Toronto Canada, 12 November 2015
Da Vinci Creative 2015, Emotion Winds 4 emotions – 8 Colours, Seoul Art Space Geumcheon, Organized by Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, PS333, Seoul, Korea, 3-30 Sep 2015
Variations Art Fair 2015, Gallery Vanessa Quang, Dildomatic Opera, curator Dominique Moulon, Halle Blancs Manteaux, Paris, France, 16-25 October, 2015,
The Age Of Experience, WHITE CUBE Alpha, L’essence de I’art contemporain, Interactive installation, curator Harald Kraemer, CityU Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong, March-April 2015
ICC Tower, Open Sky Campus, innovative music and light artworks by students of the Interactive and Urban Media master programme, CityU Creative Media Centre, curator Maurice Benayoun, ICC façade, Hong Kong, March 2015
Scandinavia House, NYC, Video ITW by Tanya Toft, Voyage to the Virtual exhibition, Park avenue, New York, NY, January 24 – April 4.
VIA art fair Hors-les-murs, Archives Nationales, 4 Emotion Winds (Solo Exhibitiion), Paris, France, 22nd October – 3rd November 2014
Variations Art Fair, Gallery Vanessa Quang, White Cube Alpha, Espace des Blanc Manteaux, Paris, France, 21st -26th October, 2014
Hong Kong City, different urban venues, The 4th Large Scale Media Art Exhibition : Fleeting Light, festival of artists’ works co-curated by Maurice Benayoun and Jeffrey Shaw, various locations in Hong Kong incl. ICC Building, Edinburg Place, Science Museum Piazza, Midtow Pop building, CityU Creative Media Centre, June – October 2014.
13th Pingyao International Photo Festival, City Confusion II (photography), curated by Ann Mak and Maurice Benayoun team, Pingyao Ancient City, Shanxi, China, Sep 2014
Chi K11 Art Space, Shanghai, Emotion Winds, video-Internet installation,
”Metamorphosis of the Virtual” exhibition, curator David Rosenberg, Shanghai, China, July – August 2014
Espace Pierre Cardin, Paris, Emotion Winds, Furtive Video, 20th Anniversary of ISEA Multimedia, curator Françoise Schmitt (IESA), 1st July 2014.
French International School, Chai Wan, At the Heart of Arts (community outreach arts event curated by Ann Mak and Maurice Benayoun team), performances, wall mural painting, concerts, workshops, Hong Kong, June 2014.
Musée des Arts et Métiers, Emotions in Space, interactive installation, music by Jean-Baptiste Barrière, Future en Seine, curators Jean-Louis Fréchin and Anolga Rodionoff, Paris, France, June 2014
Art Basel Hong Kong, Chai Wan Mei, Emotions Winds, Furtive Video, Chai Wan Mei, curator 10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Art Basel Hong Kong, May 2014
The Factory, Kwun Tong, Input Output Event, Emotion Winds,, Video, Internet, curator Joel Kwong, Hong Kong, February 2014
Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong,What You See is Not What You Get (exhibition of artists’ works curated by Maurice Benayoun), January 2014
Techfest 2014, Mumbai Emotion Winds, video, Internet, , curated by Bhupendra Kumar of IIT Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, January 2014
Microwave International Media Art Festival 2013, Emotion Forecast, video display, Internet, curator Joel Kwong, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, November 2013
Bozar, Academy of Art, Digiconnect ICT and Art Connect Event, Emotion Forecast, video, screen, Internet, curator Mylène Lauzon, Brussels, Belgium November 2013
FAD, Foment de les Arts i del Disseny, ACM Multimedia, Emotion Forecast, video, screen, Internet, ACM Multimedia 2013, curator Marc Cavazza, Madrid, Spain, October 2013
FIAC, Show Off, Espace Pierre Cardin, Political Shift,, World Skin Shots, Studies for Still Moving, Positive Discrimination, Missing the Point, Diasec silver Prints, curated by Dominique Moulon, Paris, France, October 2013
ISEA2013 SYDNEY, Streaming Museum, e-Forecast, urban Screen, video, Internet, Curator Nina Colosi, The Concourse, Chatswood, Sydney, Australia, June 7 – July 28, 2013
Wedia (We+MEDIA), Sungkyunkwan University Gallery, Falling Pixels, video installation, sound, curator Hyun Il Cho, Seoul, Korea, May 2013
SIKKA Art Fair, Art Dubai, ISEA2014 (preshow), e-Forecast, urban screen, video, Internet, Curator Nina Colosi, Streaming Museum, Beit Al Khatt House, Dubai, March 14-25, 2013
Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, Emotion Forecast, video, Internet, « Brave New Perspectives, This World through the Lens of New Media Art », Curator Maureen Millmore, South Hadley, Massachusetts, USA, Feb. 22-26, 2013
La Gaité Lyrique, Emotion Forecast, « Google, L’air du temps numérique », curator Anne-Cécile Worms, DigitalArti, Paris, France, Dec. 2012
Seoul Square façade, Media Prism, E-SCAPE, TODAY! urban screen, Seoul, Nov. Dec. 2012
Creative Media Center, School of creative Media,Museall, , Nodem Symposium exhibition, interactive museum installation, Network of design and cultural heritage, Curators Jeffrey Shaw and Sarah Kenderdine, City University of Hong Kong
Federation Square, Streaming Museum, Melbourne, Emotion Forecast, urban screen, video, Internet, Curator Nina Colosi, Melbourne, Australia, Oct. Nov. 2012
Momentum Worlwide, Berlin, Emotion Forecast,, urban screen, video, Internet, Curator Nina Colosi, Streaming Museum, Berlin, Germany, Nov.9 – Dec.2, 2012
Arte Creative, Spamm ARTE, Occupy Wall Screens, Internet version, curators: Thomas Cheneseau, Jean-Jacques Gay, Systaime, Paris, Berlin 2012-2013
Palais de Tokyo, exhibition “Vanity of the World”, Occupy Wall Screens, Internet version, curators: Thomas Cheneseau, Jean-Jacques Gay, Paris, Dec. 2012
SAT, Société des arts technologiques de Montreal, Tunnels around the World,, Montreal, Canada, Oct. – Dec. 2012
Creative Media Center, Tunnels around the World, Curator Jeffrey Shaw, City University of Hong Kong, Sept. 2012 – March 2013
ZERO1 Biennial, San Jose, Emotion Forecast, Urban Screen, video, Internet, exhibition « Artistic Licence in Silicon Valley », Curator Nina Colosi, Streaming Museum, San Jose, California, USA, Sept. 14 – 15
ZERO1 Biennial, The Garage, (commissioned by Zero1) Tunnels around the World, curator Dooeun Choi, San Jose, California, Sept.-Dec. 2012
Seoul, Museum of Art, MediaCity Seoul, Seoul International Media Art Biennale (commissioned by the Biennial), Tunnels around the World, Curator Dooeun Choi, Sept.-Dec. 2012
Foundation of the Hellenic World, Athens, Osmotic Serendipity, Ecosmosis , Solo exhibition, Curator Lina Stergiou, Athens, Greece, June,
Big Screen Plaza, Manhattan NYC, solo exhibition, Streaming Museum 4th Anniversary, Occupy Wall Screens, Emotion Forecast, Still Moving and NeORIZON, urban screen, Internet, Curator Nina Colosi,, NY, USA, January 31- March 31
Paris Forever – 100th Exhibition of the Gallery, Magda Danysz Gallery, Paris, France, Dec. 10, 2011, Jan. 14, 2012.
Show Off, La FIAC, Emotion Forecast, DropStuff giant screen, Pont Alexandre III, Paris, France, October 2011.
Show Off, La FIAC, Mechanics of Emotions, « Solo show », Paris, France, October 2011.
Centre des Arts d’Enghien les Bains, Out of The Dump, Centre des Arts d’Enghien les Bains, France, May-June 2011
Médiathèque Georges Sand, Quarxs, dessins et vidéos, Enghien les Bains, France, May-June 2011
Bouillants Festival, Distributeur Automatique d’émotions, La Cantine Numérique, Rennes, France, April-May, 2011
FAME, Espace Cardin, Emotions Forecast, Paris, France, December 2010
Drouot Montaigne, La Mécanique des émotions, curator Frédéric Elkaïm, Paris, France, February 2010,
Le SAS, La Bellevilloise, La Ville, son Modèle et l’Artiste, exposition, Last Life, , M. Benayoun co-curator, Paris, France, January 2010.
V2, Rotterdam, World Skin, a Photo Safari in the Land of War, the Netherlands, January – March 2010
Casino, Luxembourg, « sk-Interface » exhibition, World Skin, curator Jens Hauser, Luxembourg, 25 Sept. 2009 – 10 Jan. 2010.
Itau Cultural, « Game Play » exhibition, World Skin , Sao Paulo, Brazil, July-August 2009
Arc de Triomphe, TelescopeRA, Futur en Seine, Paris, France, June 2009.
Futur en Seine, La Montre Verte, place de la Bastille, Paris France, June 2009.
Le Générateur, Still Moving and eMoving Stills, Gentilly, France, 20th November – 20th December 2008.
Le Grand Palais, Still Moving, Ville Européenne des Sciences, Paris, November 2008.
eArts Festival, NeORIZON, Century Avenue, Shanghai, China, October 2008.
Le Cube Festival, Emotional Ringtones Vending Machine, Issy les Moulineaux, France, June 2008.
Nemo Festival, World Skin, La Bellevilloise, Paris, April 2008.
Arc de Triomphe, WAR-PAIX, permanent installation, Arc de Triomphe, Paris, February 2008 – ongoing.
FACT, Liverpool, World Skin, sk-Interfaces, Liverpool, UK, January – March 2008.
EESI, Galerie des Beaux Arts, des Grandes Questions à la Décharge: retrospective exhibition, 10 installations 1994-2008, Poitiers, France, January 2008.
Palazzo Strozzi, Strozzina, e-Spotting 9-11, exhibition “Emotional Systems”, curator Franziska NoriFlorence, Florence, Italy, Nov. 2007- Jan.2008.
Ancien musée de la Peinture, Falling Pixels, ZONE IP, Grenoble, France, October 2007.
Musée Cantonal d’Art de Lugano, So.So.So, Somebody, Somewhere, Some Tine, Lugano, Switzerland, May 2007.
Deaf festival, e-Spotting, performance, Rotterdam, Netherlands, April 2007.
Espace Paul Ricard, Distributeur automatique d’émotions, exhibition « Cinéma d’ameublement », curators Gilles Alvarez, Julien Taïb, Nemo, Paris, France, 7th – 11th April 2006.
GIMA Gallery, Emotion Vending Machine, Berlin, Germany, February – March 2006.
Akademie der Künste, Transmediale, Emotion Vending Machine, exhibition “Smile Machines”, curator Anne-Marie Duguet, Berlin, Germany, February – March 2006.
Galerie Magda Danysz, Frozen Feelings, “Artistes Pages Jaunes”, curator Christophe le Gac, Paris, February 2006.
Exhibition Center, Cosmopolis, Overwriting the City, French Year in China, Beijing, China, September 2005.
Ars Electronica Festival, Emotional Traffic, opening performance, Linz, Austria, September 2005.
Exhibition Center, Cosmopolis, Overwriting the City, French Year in China, Chengdu, China, August 2005.
Museum of the Three Gorges, Cosmopolis, Overwriting the City, exhibition for the opening of the Museum, French Year in China, ChongQing, China, July 2005.
18 on the Bund Gallery, Emotional Market, curators Davide Quadrio, Victoria Liu, Shanghai, China, 1st – 7th May 2005.
Science Museum, Shanghai, Cosmopolis, Overwriting the City, French Year in China, Shanghai, 18th April – 7th May 2005.
Eglise Saint Pierre au Nonnains, Norapolis, SFEAR, Mario Salis and Christian Globensky, Metz, France, 15th April 2005.
Carrefour de L’image de l’Océan Indien, So.So.So, curator Alain Séraphine, Reunion Island, 21st – 24th March 2005.
Ars Numerica, exhibition “Intrusions 0-1”, So.So.So, curated by Jean-Baptiste Barrière, Montbéliard, France, December 2004.
Athens 2004, Olympic Games “Catch the Light” Program, Watch out! The Eyes of the City, curators Elina Dallas and Bethia Liu, Athens, Greece, August 2004.
Museum of the Moving Image, the Quarxs, “Digital Avant-garde” Ars Electronica 25th anniversary, New York City, USA, 2004
Museum of the Moving Image, World Skin, “Digital Avant-garde” Ars Electronica 25th anniversary, New York City, USA, 2004
Eyebeam, World Skin Shots, “Digital Avant-garde” Ars Electronica 25th anniversary, New York City, USA, 2004
ICC, NTT Inter Communication Center, Tokyo, So.So.So., Somebody, Somewhere, Some Time, exhibition “Future Cinema”, curated by Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel, Tokyo, Japan, December 2003-2004
Uijeongbu Art Center, So.So.So., Somebody, Somewhere, Some Time, International Digital Art Exhibition, curated by Doeun Choi, Art Center Nabi, Uijeongbu, Korea, October – November 2003.
Internationales Festival für Animations film, Baden, Fantoche ’03 , Architectures Parallèles, 4. Internationales Festival für Animationsfilm, Baden, Switzerland, 9-10 september 2003
Deconism Gallery, Deconversation, performance with Steve Mann, Pierre Levy and Derrick de Kerckhove, Toronto, Canada, August 2003.
La Belle de Mai, Générateur de faille psychologique intégré, 2013, performance, journées RIAM, Marseille, France, April 2003
Gaîté Lyrique, “Open Source I”, So.So.So., Somebody, Somwhere, Some Time, curator Pierre Bongiovanni, Paris, France, April – May 2003
ZKM, Exhibition “Future Cinema”, So.So.So., Somebody, Somewhere, Some Time, exhibition “Future Cinema”, curated by Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel, Karlsruhe, Germany, November 2002- March 2003.
Art Center Nabi, Watch Out !, installation in four places across Seoul : TTL Zone, Shinchon, Dahangno, Gangnam, September – October 2002.
Abbaye de Maubuisson, exhibition “Simulations”, Art Impact, Collective Retinal Memory, Abbaye de Maubuisson, France, May – December 2002.
Multimedia Theater, International Cave Festival Art of Immersion, World Skin, Bonn, Germany, June 2002.
Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Paris, exhibition “l’Homme Transformé”, La Membrane, Paris, November 2001 – December 2002.
GLAZ ART, Instant Virtual, Paris, November 2001.
Royal Abbey of Fontevraud, Parcours multimédia, permanent installation, October 2001 – ongoing.
Stenersen Museum, Oslo, ULTIMA Contemporary Music Festival, Art Impact, Collective Retinal Memory, Oslo, Norway, October 2001.
KIASMA Helsinki Museum of Contemporary Art, Art Impact, Collective Retinal Memory, Helsinki, Finland, June – August 2001.
DIEM, Aarhus, Art Impact, Collective Retinal Memory, Aarhus, Denmark, June 2001.
ISEA2000, Chapelle de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Paris, ”Beyond the Screen” exhibition, World Skin, December 2000.
Musée d’Arc Contemporain de lyon, Labylogue, in the exhibition “Tu Parles !? Le français dans tous ses états”, with Jean-Pierre Balpe, Jean Baptiste Barrière, curator Philippe Delis, exhibited in 3 different venues simultaneously, November – December 2000.
Centre culturel Douta Seck, Dakar, Labylogue, in the exhibition “Tu Parles !? Le français dans tous ses états”, with Jean-Pierre Balpe, Jean Baptiste Barrière, curator Philippe Delis, Senegal, 2nd November 2000 – 30th December 2000.
Espace Méridien, Brussels, Labylogue, in exhibition “Tu Parles!? Le français dans tous ses états”, with Jean-Pierre Balpe, Jean Baptiste Barrière, curator Philippe Delis, Brussels, 27th September -14th January 2001.
VR Center Nord, “World@rt”, World Skin, curated by Lars Qvortrup, Aalborg, Denmark, October 2000.
Pompidou Centre, Art Impact, Collective Retinal Memory, curator, Daniel Soutif, Jean de Loisy, Paris, June-July 2000
EXPO2000 Hanover, Expo. Universal Pavillion Planet of Visions, Tables panoramiques et vidéos, Hanover, Germany, June – October 2000.
Art Rock Festival, Le Diable est-il courbe, version PC, Saint Brieuc, France, June 2000.
Laval Virtual, Interfaces intelligentes, Laval, France, May 2000
Forum des Images, États généraux de l’écriture interactive, Crossing Talks, video version, Paris, November 1999.
Biennale do Mercosul, World Skin Web site, curator Diana Rodriguez, Brazil, November – December 1999,
ICC Biennale ’99, Crossing Talks, NTT ICC, Tokyo, Japan, October – November 1999.
KTH, Stockholm, World Skin, Stockholm, Sweden, December 1998.
UQAM, Montreal, exhibition “Trans-architectures 03”, Missing Matter, curator, Odile Fillion, Montreal, Canada, August 1998.
Ars Electronica Center, World Skin, curator Gerfried Stocker, Linz, Austria, September 1998
Galerie AEDES, Berlin, exhibition “Trans-architectures 03”, Missing Matter, curator Odile Fillion, Berlin, Germany, August 1998
Art Show, SIGGRAPH 98, World Skin, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 1998
Imagina 98 exhibition, World Skin, Centre des Congrés, Monte-Carlo, Monaco, March 1998
Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, Le tunnel Paris – New Delhi, Paris, February 1998.
Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, exhibition “Virtual Gallery”, Le tunnel Paris – New Delhi, curated by Patrick Besenval, New Delhi, India, February 1998
Arc en Rêve, CAPC, Bordeaux, exhibition “Trans-architectures 02”, le Tunnel sous l’Atlantique, curated by Odile Fillion, Bordeaux, France, January 1998
Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, exhibition “New Image New Networks”, La Salle de Navigation, Paris, December 1997 – June 1999.
Visionaria Film Festival, Dieci anni di Computer Animazione 1987–1996, Siena, Oct 1997
Musée d’art contemporain de Lyon, exhibiton “Version Originale”, Et moi dans tout ça? 2, curated by Georges Rey, Lyon, France, July – September 1997.
Ars Electronica Center, World Skin, Linz, Austria, September 1997
Kahanamoku and Beyond, Et moi dans tout ça ? 1, Sydney, Australia, July 1996
Musée d’Art contemporain de Lyon, videos, Lyon, France, November 1995.
Musée d’Art contemporain de Montréal, le Tunnel sous l’Atlantique (the Tunnel under the Atlantic), Montreal, Canada, September 1995.
Pompidou Centre, le Tunnel sous l’Atlantique (the Tunnel Under the Atlantic), curator Daniel Soutif, Paris, September 1995.
International Monitor Awards, QUARXS, They are Here!, finalist, Los Angeles, USA.
FILM West, Sydney, QUARXS, official selection, Sydney, Australia, 1995.
MIM, Dieu est-il plat ? / le Diable est-il courbe?, Montreal, Canada, March 1995.
Salon International d’Art Contemporain de Strasbourg, Dieu est-il plat?, Strasbourg, France, March 1995
Machida Museum of Graphic Arts, Mirage Illimité, Tokyo, Japan, March 1995.
F.A.U.S.T. Toulouse, QUARXS, Silver Trophy, Toulouse, France, Nov.1994.
CINANIMA, Jose Abel Award Espinho, QUARXS, Jose Abel Award for the best european animation film, Espinho, Portugal, Oct.1994.
ANTENNA CINEMA Festival of TV Series, QUARXS, official selection, Trevise, Italy, Sept. 1994.
Ars Electronica Festival, QUARXS, Distinction (2nd award), Linz, Austria, Sept. 1994.
ISEA1994 HELSINKI, Electronic Theater, QUARXS, official selection, 5th. International Symposium on Electronic Art, Helsinki,Finland, August 1994.
SITGES, 27th International Fantastic Film Festival, QUARXS, official selection, Sitges, Spain, July 1994.
SIGGRAPH, Electronic Theatre, QUARXS, official selection, Orlando, USA, May 1994.
CANNES Festival, QUARXS, ils sont là, Screenings Special Effects, Cannes, France, May 1994.
ART3000/France Television, QUARXS, openng film for the New Technologies Competition, Paris, France, May 1994.
Cardiff, Animation Film Festival, QUARXS, official selection, Cardiff, Wales, April 1994.
Tampere, Short Film Festival, QUARXS, official selection, Tampere, Finland, March 1994.
IMAGINA ’94, QUARXS, 3rd prize, fiction category, Monte Carlo, Monaco, March 1994.
Le Grand Huit/ T.N.B., QUARXS, “Image 3D et cinéma d’animation”, Rennes, France, March 1994.
International Animation Film Festival, Brussels, QUARXS, Official selection, Brussels, Belgium, Feb. 1994.
Musée Château d’Annecy, Dieu est-il plat?, “L’animation au pays du pixel”, Annecy, France, June-August 1993
IMAGINA ’93, QUARXS, 3rd prize, fiction category, Monte Carlo, Monaco, Feb. 1993.
IMAGINA ’93, Mirage illimité, with Alain Escalle, 1st prize, opening title, Monte Carlo, Monaco, Feb. 1993.
SIGGRAPH, QUARXS, official selection, Chicago, USA, July 1992.
5th Festival of Computer animation, QUARXS, official selection, Geneva, Switzerland, May 1992.
Galerie Sabrina Grassi, QUARXS-Pilote, France, January 1992
Les cités obscures, Schuiten/Peeters, Quarxs-Pilote, Brussels, Belgium, 1992
Société Civile des Auteurs Multimédia, Quarxs-pilote, 3rd dimension award, Paris, France, Nov. 1991
Galerie 172, 172, rue du Fbg Saint Honoré, 75008, La Mer démontée, Paris, France, 1991
Paris Cité, Quarxs-pilote, best scenario award, Parc Floral, Vincennes, Paris, France, Oct. 1991
Ars Electronica Festival, Quarxs, honorary mention, Linz, Austria, Sept. 1991
Eurographics, Quarxs-pilote, official selection, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 1991
Images du Futur, Montreal, Quarxs-pilote, official selection, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 1991
SIGGRAPH, Truevision Videographic Competition, QUARXS, pilote, 1st prize, Artistic Animation Category, Las Vegas, USA, July 1991.
Tech Image, La Défense, Paris, France 1990
ARC Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, “Exposition Sol LeWitt”, Wall Drawings, Paris, France, 1986.
Festival vidéo de Montbéliard 1985, Pièces à convictions, 8 videos, Montbéliard, France, 1985.
Festival vidéo de Montbéliard 1983, 935m de bandes, installation video 3 screens, Montbéliard, France, 1983.