Shadow, Rook Floro, 2011
The art installation shows “two men”, one is sitting and undergoing meditation, and another one is standing, seems a shadow of the sitting man, and represents a reflection of him, the standing man represents your ‘shadow’, which involves your hidden desires to be different and become perfect of your mind. The man is sitting here shaping his ‘shadow’.” Moreover, whole scene is mostly black and white, gives me a sense of emptiness and depressed.
The sculpture or whole artwork can be called as a performance piece, shows a great contrast of dark and light color.
The artist creates the form of a human being, by the lines like drops of black paint. And the artist acts as a part of the art piece, he acts as the sitting sculpture. The sitting solid body form and the standing hollow body form created a huge contrast too. It shows a strong sense of reflectivity.
The artist used black plastic as the material, give a feeling of tension, artificial, useless, depress and cold feeling. I think that it shows the pressure and sadness of the guy sitting there. Maybe the world inside him is very hard, he need to make a stronger outlook to face the others. However, you can feel the standing one is without emotion; he was just made by seated man.
This is a good artwork because the artist uses suitable material, and create an empty mood. Simple color tone, but the strong contrast gives a powerful expression. Plus, everyone living in the world will easily get resonated, it tilts our emotion, and it is great.