I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art. 1971.
John Baldessari. (American, born 1931). Lithograph.
I always find arts only constructed in letters are interesting. They are clean, while meaningful; pure, while mysterious. Therefore I would like to write about I will not make any more boring art by John Baldessari on 1971.
John Baldessari wasn’t the only person doing text painting at that time. Other famous artists like Joseph Kosuth, also include bunch of words in their writing in order to express some kind of meaning. So, what is so meaningful for choosing this word? Is the story behind this art. Before he done this art, he did something extraordinary: he burnt all his art works between 1953 and 1966, he even titled it as The Cremation Project.—that’s what interested me, how many people could do such thing like that? It may be insane in some other people’s view, but I do think it was a wise act.