29 10月 Crypto Characters of Values
Introduced for the first time during the Morphogenesis of Values exhibition, Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center, and produced by Osage Art Foundation the 14 Crypto Characters are part of...
Introduced for the first time during the Morphogenesis of Values exhibition, Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center, and produced by Osage Art Foundation the 14 Crypto Characters are part of...
2D reifications (conversion of the virtual data into a physical object) of VoV tokens for 2D printing by MoBen are called "twodies" as opposed to...
I died in 1927, too young to publish about my art practice. It is now time to share some of the works I produced to help...
ABSTRACT SHOTS are snapshots of numbered iterations of the Brain Factory shaping process. They are printed portraits of the unspeakable....
2D Prints from the Tunnel under the Atlantic (1995) printed in the Pompidou Center, Paris, during the actual digging between Paris and Montreal. by Maurice Benayoun Sept....
Plus de 15 installations issues de la décharge à projets: ...
Série photographique : H2H, Human to Human. ...
Issues du Dump, une série de pièces constituées de 2 photographies et d'un cartel...
Instance extraite du Dump. ...
La Mécanique des émotions en photogrammes. 6 tirages photographiques sous-titrés...
Conception des dispositifs interactifs, réalité virtuelle, réalité augmentée, robots…...