Open Dump


Random Music – Create music with your hand!

Enregistré dans : sound and music — MAN Ka Mei @ 4.30 pm

by MAN Ka Mei


Generally, people create music by musical instruments, such as piano, violin or guitar. Those musical instruments need to control by hand. However, to control the musical instruments, people need to have required knowledge beforehand.

However, there are many people who love music and want to create music, but they don’t know any of the musical instruments. Therefore, I would like to create a work that can be play by everybody and they need not to have any musical knowledge in playing it. People can create their own musical pieces through the work.

My concept is using motion capture, power capture and temperature capture at the same time. The set-up of this work is simple – basically a screen for capturing, a screen for display image and two speakers are required.
When player put their hand on the capture screen, the computer will capture the motion, power and temperature of the hand. After that, the computer will generate sound according to the captured data. The motion represents how long the sound would be (the longer of the distance people drag their hand on the screen, the longer the sound would be); the power represents the volume of the sound (higher power, higher volume); while the temperature represents the pitch (higher temperature, higher pitch). The sound wave of the generated music will also be display on the other screen.

The concept of this work is “music by random”. Because temperature of the hand is something that cannot be easily control, I want people not to too care about the principal of music and just enjoy the sound of music being created in random.

This work can allow multiple users to play. It just like people are using their hands as musical instruments to perform together. And after they finish playing the work, the computer will automatic generate the sound into digital file, and there will be a QR code appear on the screen. People can download the sound file by the QR code.

I hope to use this work to let everybody enjoy the creation of music. I think music is not necessary something being confined by boundary, sometime something creates by accident can also be a piece of music.


Enregistré dans : Non classé, sound and music — Laurent Avril @ 1.56 pm

En partant du constat que certains sons/bruits environnants ont une esthétique musicale, pourquoi pas les enregistrer et les partager sur une application mobile collaborative?

Everyday Grooves n’a pas pour but de ré-enchanter le quotidien, mais est une incitation à trouver l’enchantement dans le quotidien tel qu’il est et où il se trouve: en le captant, en le dénichant dans chaque évènement sonore susceptible d’en porter une trace.

La règle est simple: vous êtes libre d’enregistrer n’importe quel son, du moment qu’il ne s’agit ni d’un instrument de musique, ni d’un son émit par la voix humaine (ou le corps), seulement des sons environnementaux (vous avez le droit d’enregistrer votre canari, votre machine à laver, ou la rumeur d’une ville).

On propose à l’utilisateur de géolocaliser son enregistrement, ainsi que d’aller écouter les enregistrements d’autres utilisateurs, de voter pour les meilleurs, et d’utiliser ses sons favoris (y compris ceux enregistrés par d’autres utilisateurs), pour les tester dans une zone ‘arrangeur’, où en jouant sur la superposition et la vitesse des enregistrements sélectionnés, il aurait la possibilité de créer un groove: association de plusieurs sons qui prennent une nouvelle cohérence une fois assemblés.

Ainsi le son d’un escalator parisien pourrait servir de rythmique, alors q’une goutte d’eau enregistrée dans une caverne de Lanzarote, ou le chuintement d’une rivière du mont Fuji apporteraient la mélodie, à vous de trouver la ligne de basse adéquate…

Chaque groove créé pourra être publié pour être diffusé sur l’application mobile et sur un site internet. Un classement des meilleurs grooves sera fait dans diverses catégories et ceux qui auront reçu le plus de votes, auront la possibilité d’être diffusés lors d’une exposition: premier prix. Deuxième prix: un escalator (dans la catégorie «graine de trottoir»). Troisième prix: un robinet qui fuit (dans la catégorie «à la maison»).

Dénicheur/euse du quotidien sonore, Everyday Grooves est fait pour toi!


Red Light Spotters

Enregistré dans : interactive installation, urban art, sound and music, spotters — moben @ 9.45 pm

Red Light Spotters
Players: Philippe Codognet, Sir Alice

Visiting the Mori Tower in Tokyo (summer 2005) with Philippe Codognet, the evidence of red lights blinking at night came to my mind as the stubborn will of the City to say something to any open intelligence. I was facing this absurd but recursive artist’s mission : try to make the world understandable, even if it is definitely obscure to you.
If you fail : make the failure visible enough to make the evidence of the this aporia talking out loud.

That was the resulting project:
Cities are emitting obscure messages that cannot easily been deciphered: sounds, lights, smells…
Through thousands of red lights blinking in the night, Tokyo city is whispering.
This obsessing blinking should be translatable. The apparent synchronicity cannot be only a randomised process. The absence of synchronicity can also be interpreted as an obscure language.
Is the city trying to say something?
Are invisible entities communicating in front of us and we don’t even know what, why and how?
Would it be a kind of hidden speech that would remain secret because it is so obvious?
Whatever the interpretation we try to put on these signs, one cannot stay without trying to understand what’s going on around us.
In this obsessive compulsion of interpretation, people can spend hours watching without understanding and this impossibility to understand is balanced by the fascination for this almost hypnotic phenomenon.


Emotional Dripping (OVNI)

Enregistré dans : interactive installation, sound and music, not sure, motto — moben @ 9.59 am

Emotional Dripping
Players : Anne Dreyfus, Delphine Fabbri-Lawson

Still Moving, sculpture dynamique géante de la série de la Mécanique des émotions, sera présentée devant l’entrée principale du Grand Palais à Paris avant d’être exposée au Générateur.
Nous évoquons la difficulté à communiquer sur les pièces complexes -dans leur logique plus que dans leur fréquentation. Comment soutenir les médiateurs culturels en leur proposant des formules simples pour communiquer sur un objet de 3,5m de diamètre qui peut évoquer, dans sa forme finale, une soucoupe volante molle, et dont le propos est lié aux émotions de la planète? D’autant pus quand la chose produit une musique faite d’infrasons vibrant entre 5Hz et 20Hz que l’on ne peut entendre que par le contact direct avec le corps.

Une proposition de sous-titre qu’il paraît difficile d’utiliser sans modifier sensiblement la perception de l’objet :

De la série des Emotional Drippings

Un projet qui trouve plus facilement sa place dans le Dump que dans la communication grand public.


In Touch [Listen, I’m Here (2)]

Enregistré dans : interactive installation, evolution, light, sound and music, installation — moben @ 3.35 pm

Evolution of Listen I’m here

In Touch

Two laser beams meet in a cloud of steam, at the very centre of the space when two people calling the same pre-determined phone number are connected together.

When anybody, from the physical space, cuts the line of the beam, the communication is interrupted.


Art Beat (2)

Evolution of Art Beat

Another way to materialise the synchronisation of participants’ metabolism is to activate a magnetic field and make it visible like Sabrina Raaf’s ferrofluid sculptures.

Art Beat 2

Art Beat

So many interactive works are using signals coming from inside as a meaningful/meaningless source of image and sound effects. Let’s try another collective experience!

Art Beat

People are seated in circle around a big subwoofer speaker a finger plugged inside a heart beat detector. The combined rhythms of the 7 participants should, when synchronised, make the light ball float in the middle of the space by the pressure of air propelled by the speaker. Amazing how we can drive our inside body more or less consciously.


Listen, I’m here!

Enregistré dans : interactive installation, Net, light, sound and music, installation — moben @ 8.22 pm

At the very centre of the white box, a dot of light, floating.
The intersection of 2 laser beams.

I'm here!

A continuous sound made of thousands of voices coming from real time or pre-recorded phone conversions. Something close to white noise but different enough to make the audience feel the origin of the sound.
When visitors cut one of the beams, the sound stops.

I'm here! now

Everything happens as if the contact of the two beams would make the whole communication process possible.

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