Open Dump

22 décembre 2012


Enregistré dans : Non classé — mokhoyin @ 13:56

by Rumi MOK Ho Yin

Speed of life

There always many problems in the city we lived in, some of them is more close to us which affect our daily life. Other issues especially recent political issue and environmental problems, are being ignored as citizens has seldom time to discover the detail of them. Citizens are usually busy for their own work for earning money.
This project is aim to raise their attention to do reflection on different categories.

The idea is to raise attention of people, what thing is also needed to be care about. It will be a series of installation and performance. Here are some ideas for it:

Life for Speed
Videos and gif photos would be taken in different places, from crowd to quiet. In the video, it shows different speed of lives in different location and time of the city. There would be one or more people standing in front of the camera rotating himself all the way according to the speed of the crowdedness. The project aims to show how fast and uncomfortability of the crowd city, comparing with the quiet city.
The setting can be placed at the crowded streets, especially on the pedestrian zone. With using huge screen placed on the wall of the building and television columns on the streets. Also, sensor with required program is needed to detect the velocity of passengers going through and the speed of their pace.
Area crowdedness in the video is determined by the speed of passengers. The faster the average step rate of the passengers passing through the road, the faster the gif photos rotating and the crowder the people in the video playing on the wall screen.
There would be a digital Earth sculpture at the middle of the settings. When more passengers ignored the artwork, different parts of the digital Earth would be destroyed. It shows that we must not neglect the important changes of our world besides us all the time.

The standard changing system is mainly calculated by the pairs of complex infrared light sensor which simple one always used for counted velocity of popularity passing through. Pair of them is needed to detected whether the passengers are coming in or going out.
For example, if a person pass through sensor1 first and the sensor2 which are in pair very nearby, it implies “coming in” and vice versa.
Pairs of sensors are placed to the entrance and exit, also inside the show place, to check which part of the exhibition always hold more audience. Also the velocity statistics can use for calculation of the average staying period of the passengers and change the effect of the screen and the Earth sculpture through programming.
The Earth sculpture is a digital one and its changing system is simply shown in the draft website below.

This are what column would show, gif photos.
This is what the screen shown like.
Photos and draft drawing here.–rumimok#!reflection/czh8
Sleep or Not
In the MTR, many people listening to music or sleeping, but some of them pretend to be slept. Actually, some of them feel tired and do not want to take the risk to give their seats to passengers with special needs.
The artwork is interactive drama act acting like the real situation. Let the audience to think that is it ethically correct to do this and to feel the truth at that situation.
4 actors A,B,C and D will involve in the act.
A: be a normal passengers on the MTR, but do not voice out when wrong things happens
B: be a bad teenager which would act sleeping while the need comes in
C: be the need, such as the elderly, disability or even pregnancy
D: act as one of the audiences which would give motivation push and hint to the audience, and induce them to voice out if they are too passive for the case
There are limitation of number of participants (around 1-5 visitors once). Other audience can stand under the stage to watch what would happen while different people on the “MTR”.

Video taking myself before in the MTR in Hong Kong.
Photos and draft drawing here.–rumimok#!reflection/czh8

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