13 Sep Cork Openings by Moben
"Galactic Wine Sharing Party" event opening video, Ars Electronica 2021 HK Garden Osage Gallery...
"Galactic Wine Sharing Party" event opening video, Ars Electronica 2021 HK Garden Osage Gallery...
Ars Electronica 2020 Hong Kong Garden full program: hkgardens.com Context: Arts Electronica 2020 is being crystalized as an experimental, de-centralized global affair, in response to the contingencies arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. Envisioning a journey toward measuring the ‘new’ world being realized today, this year’s festival extends beyond...
The annual "On the Road" exhibition is this year dedicated to New Media Art. With the title "Young Media Artists in China", the 50 or so works by 32 artists selected by the nominating committee. Maurice Benayoun has been appointed Chief Curator....
Interactive tablet version of Political Shift....
The French blue-white-red Cocarde represent simultaneously the Revolution and the Republic. Motion and institution. Values come with colors....
Large scale VR installation on urban planning...
Instant City -Archigram Peter Cook...
Send a warning message to the world...
Architecure, VR, Internet, interactive music...
encounters in the labyrinth of our own words ...
Exposition universelle de Hanovre...
Virtual reality and photographic installation using the Collective Retinal Memory (CRM)...
CAVE installation, Internet and Virtual Reality...
VR, networks, video and audio communication, music...
documentaire HD sur la Réalité Virtuelle...