Value of Values website Everything about Value of Values, transactional art on the Blockchain. On VoV website you find: Real-time data from transactions, Transactional Poetry, list of produced VoVs and 3D visualization, about... Everything about Value of Values, transactional art on the Blockchain. On VoV website you find: Real-time data from transactions, Transactional Poetry, list of produced VoVs and 3D visualization, about...
With Watch Out! 2018, urban media art installation, eyes wide open come from the buildings to look down to us as if somebody finally dares...
Presentation of VoV Crypto. How a new crypto currency inspired by an interactive art installation, Brain Factory, allows us to understand the Value of Human...
Brain Factory is an art installation that allows the audience to give a shape to human abstractions through Brain Computer Interaction (BCI), and then to...
On February 28, 2016, Donald Trump gave his first address to Congress. He sent a clear message that enlightens his Presidential philosophy: "Each American generation...
ABSTRACT SHOTS are snapshots of numbered iterations of the Brain Factory shaping process. They are printed portraits of the unspeakable....
On Digital Mutations in the Landscape of Chinese Contemporary Art Maurice Benayoun, Professor, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. Chief curator statement for “On The...
Video of the show in Hong Kong, City University, School of Creative Media Chief Curator: Maurice Benayoun CREDITS 主辦單位 / ORGANIZERS 香港城市大學 City University of Hong Kong 中國美協策展委員會 China Artists Association Curatorial...
The annual "On the Road" exhibition is this year dedicated to New Media Art. With the title "Young Media Artists in China", the 50 or...
At the same time an innovative art installation, a world premiere, and a prototype for neuro-design technology, "Brain Cloud" is part of the "Brain Factory"...
How do curatorial initiatives in public spaces balance the critical pursuit of art vis-a-vis professional ethics within the relational context of the everyday? What are the...
Border Diggers Students from CityU School of Creative Media and Nanjing University Art Institute tracking the obstacles in mediated communication. Date: 20 Dec 2017 – 20 Jan...
The Art Institute of Nanjing University and Nanjing U Museum of Art exhibits for the first time in China "Just Dig It!" by Maurice Benayoun....
NOMINATION EXHIBITION at Guan Shanyue Museum Shenzhen, with the contribution of 15 NOMINATORS, nominating 102 YOUNG CHINESE MEDIA ARTISTS part of ON THE ROAD Archive....
Astrilab scenic apparatus commissioned by ASTRI research Centre, HK, constituted by 3 different elements, all playing with each other. The functions of presenting Astri activities,...
PREFACE pour Chronotopies/Chronotopics Maurice Benayoun (City University of Hong Kong) La ville expérientielle que l’on a crue définitivement organique, calquée sur le modèle du corps, des...
SISENEG. When we are scared by the rise of AI, we are scared by ourselves, by our inner alien. Because we know, but we forgot, that...
"Brain Factory" is media art and science project by Maurice Benayoun. Brain Workers-visitors can control matter with their brain (EEG). They give shape to Human...
Framed Subversion When any attempt of subversion is rapidly institutionalized, the critic of the Spectacle becomes THE spectacle. Guy Debord is no exception. Commonly praised by the...
Interactive Installation EEG 3D Printing. Brain Factory translates human abstractions into 3D Printed objects...
Interactive Installation EEG 3D Printing. Brain Factory translates human abstractions into 3D Printed objects...
Urban Media Art Paradox: Critical Fusion vs. Urban Cosmetics (excerpts) Maurice Benayoun, Josef Bares full text published in What Urban Media Art Can Do, Susa Pop, Tanya Toft,...
Exhibition at Osage Gallery Hong Kong: 5 video installations + original printed shots...
Virtual tunnels are made to go beyond obstacles, to allow people appart to meet in spite of any form of obstacles....
Interactive, VR installation, steel structure...
2D Prints from the Tunnel under the Atlantic (1995) printed in the Pompidou Center, Paris, during the actual digging between Paris and Montreal. by Maurice Benayoun Sept....
Urban Media Projects: the OPEN SKY PROJECT Hong Kong published in What Urban Media Art Can Do, Susa Pop, Tanya Toft, Nerea Calvillo, Mark Write editors,...
Brain Factory BRAIN FACTORY between REIFICATION vs SUBLIMATION Maurice Benayoun, Tobias Klein Brain Factory is an art experiment and an interactive installation. The public, becoming brain...
Quarxs Series and original drawings presented in their original 90s environment during Biennale Anim ...
Collective exhibition: White Cube, Essence de l'art contemporain, The spirit of contemporary art...
Overscale Art in Public Space: from Play to Dysplay ISEA2016 Hong Kong, panel moderated by Derwin Scott Hessels Street art has reminded us again of the power...
Project variant developed for Hong Kong Act by Osage Art Foundation (June 2015) Conception: Maurice Benayoun - MoBen Set design: Tobias Klein Visuals: Tobias Klein - MoBen 1.1 HCI...
l'essence de l'art contemporain. 20 conceptual fragrances ...
The Essence of Contemporary Art, conceptual fragrance ...
MAURICE BENAYOUN: “FICTION SHOULD NOT HIDE THE REALITY” interview published in Strelka, Moscow, 2/5 Being in the avantgarde of New Media art, Maurice Benayoun was the...
interactive installation, 3DVR, interactive motion...
KITSUN, an Example of Extended Relativity applied to Urban Navigation Prof. Maurice Benayoun1, Prof. Maurice Benayoun2 and James Edward Imi3 1 City University of Hong Kong, School...
Emotion in Space seeks to re-imagine ways in which global real- time datasets can give us a unique perspective on the understanding of world motion...
OPEN SKY GALLERY is an international platform and gallery designed to envision specially curated time-based artworks amidst Hong Kong’s public urban space. The Open Sky is a...
Le GRAND RÉIFICATEUR (The Big Reificator) projet pour le Grand Palais Bétonner l’indicible Une imprimante géante convertit en béton frais les concepts les plus abstraits. La pensée...
The French blue-white-red Cocarde represent simultaneously the Revolution and the Republic. Motion and institution. Values come with colors....
Furtive Video, is a new genre on its own. The video is affected with a personality. Shy or proud, the video can decide to be seen...
Alberto da Vinci, MoBen 93 La science soumise à la question par l’art (et réciproquement) Ce n’est pas une surprise : Les articles, publications et conférences se multiplient sur...