Interactive Art

from the Press Release by Focal/Naim, that commissioned the work Focal Powered by Naim to showcase exclusive global tour of MoBen’s interactive artwork: POWER CHESS video trailer Video documentary,...

Video of the show in Hong Kong, City University, School of Creative Media Chief Curator: Maurice Benayoun CREDITS 主辦單位 / ORGANIZERS 香港城市大學 City University of Hong Kong 中國美協策展委員會 China Artists Association Curatorial...

2D Prints from the Tunnel under the Atlantic (1995) printed in the Pompidou Center, Paris, during the actual digging between Paris and Montreal. by Maurice Benayoun Sept....

Emotions Spotting Performance, DEAF Festival, Interact or Die! Staal, Rotterdam, V2_ 25th anniversary April 2007, Playing instruments is a common lot of music. Playing with emotions is a common...