At the same time an innovative art installation, a world premiere, and a prototype for neuro-design technology, "Brain Cloud" is part of the "Brain Factory" series of works helping the visitors "brain-workers" to give shape to human abstractions just by thinking....

Astrilab scenic apparatus commissioned by ASTRI research Centre, HK, constituted by 3 different elements, all playing with each other. The functions of presenting Astri activities, and offering a playful way to experience innovation in action, are performed by these 3 Astrilab components: The Hypercube, the...

Framed Subversion Quand toute tentative de dubversion est rapidement institutionalisée, la critique du Spectacle devient LE spectacle. Guy Debord ne fait pas exception à la règle. Largement accépté par l'Académie, son ouvrage majeur, La Socité du Spectacle en perd sa dimention subversive. La Pensée Volée (en référence à La...

2D Prints from the Tunnel under the Atlantic (1995) printed in the Pompidou Center, Paris, during the actual virtual reality digging between Paris and Montreal. by Maurice Benayoun Sept. 1995 - March 2016 Tunnel Shots (to see the full series They were shot, like photoshoots, inside the virtual space...

Emotion in Space seeks to re-imagine ways in which global real- time datasets can give us a unique perspective on the understanding of world motion through emotional currents emanating from 3200 different cities...

OPEN SKY GALLERY is an international platform and gallery designed to envision specially curated time-based artworks amidst Hong Kong’s public urban space. The Open Sky is a twofold project including Open Sky Gallery for artists and Open Sky Campus allowing City University of Hong Kong, School of...

Le GRAND RÉIFICATEUR (The Big Reificator) projet pour le Grand Palais Bétonner l’indicible Une imprimante géante convertit en béton frais les concepts les plus abstraits. La pensée prend forme durable ou éphémère. La machine débite inéluctablement des volumes sculptés, soigneusement alignés sous la Nef (laquelle? si le Grand...

The French blue-white-red Cocarde represent simultaneously the Revolution and the Republic. Motion and institution. Values come with colors....

La vidéo furtive est un nouveau genre dans le monde de l'art. La vidéo apparait uniquement lorsque le public est attentif et silencieux face à l'image. La vidéo furtive respecte notre intimité et livre son contenu lorsque nous sommes prêt à l'apprécier. engineering and Implementation: Wang...

"The Maieutic Engine, beyond recommendation in cultural data" Conference Museum and the Web, Hong Kong, 2013 Maurice Benayoun, Hong Kong The maieutic engine considers the user as the best filter of its desires and expectations in terms of cultural heritage and image discovery. Based on implicit queries, formal...