The complete tour of the show at the Asia Society Hong Kong Center presenting the new developments of the Transactional Art Project Value of Values, combining Blockchain, AI, NFTs, EEG, BCI, 3D Printing, and online trading with Tobias Klein, Nicolas Mendoza, Jean-Baptist Barrière. produced by...
VOV 2.0, Value of Values @ VIDEOFORMES festival Benayoun, Maurice, with Nicolas Mendoza and Tobias Klein, "VoV 2.0, Value of Values" and "Twodees and Threedees", a series of printable 2D images produced out of the VoVs EEG-generated,...
Value of Values @ Tongyeong Triennale Daniel Kapelian (International Commissioner / Curator / Art Director) in KoreaTimes by Park Han-Sol "The main exhibition, "Take Your Time," will display the works of 35 artists and teams from 11 countries who take a meditative approach to art and, through immersive...
Value of values, Transactional Art Benayoun Maurice, with Nicolas Mendoza and Tobias Klein, 3 Neuro Design Stations, NFT minting of VoV tokens, "Twodees and Threedees", a series of printable 2D images produced out of the VoVs EEG-generated Photos by Axel Fried ...
2D reifications (conversion of the virtual data into a physical object) of VoV tokens for 2D printing by MoBen are called "twodies" as opposed to "Threedies" for 3D reification like sculptures, or "Vidies" for videos or animated reifications....
Virtual NFT Token from the series JEFFKOINS.COM...
"Value of Values" (AKA VoV) is a Blockchain-based art project. It combines neuro-design, 3D printing, Blockchain...
Presentation of VoV Crypto. How a new crypto currency inspired by an interactive art installation, Brain Factory, allows us to understand the Value of Human Values. Conference during Microwave International Media Festival. Speakers: Maurice Benayoun and Tobias Klein....