12 3月 Morphogenesis of Values show tour by MoBen
The complete tour of the show at the Asia Society Hong Kong Center presenting the new developments of the Transactional Art Project Value of Values, combining Blockchain, AI, NFTs, EEG, BCI, 3D Printing, and online trading with Tobias Klein, Nicolas Mendoza, Jean-Baptist Barrière. produced by...
29 10月 Crypto Characters of Values
Introduced for the first time during the Morphogenesis of Values exhibition, Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center, and produced by Osage Art Foundation the 14 Crypto Characters are part of the Value of Values project. They are archival pigment prints on Photo rag Hahnemühle paper. PLEASURE0723 - FRIENDSHIP0783 - LOVE0182 TRUST0643 - HONESTY0753 -...
29 10月 The Trading Room (VoV)
Introduced for the first time during the Morphogenesis of Values exhibition, Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center produced by Osage Art Foundation. The Trading Room is part of the Value of Values project. As VoV Brain Workers giving shape to human values we get paid in VoV...
29 10月 Morphogenesis of Values
HKACT Project by Osage Gallery Morphogenesis of Values on Asia Society HK website PRESS RELEASE: Osage Art Foundation opens HKACT! Acts 11-13, as part of its HKACT! initiative (Hong Kong Art Culture and Technological Innovation). This platform, raised in 2015, celebrates the convergence of art and advanced ideas...
07 9月 Value of Values / Next World Forum
TRANSACTIONAL ART ON THE BLOCKCHAIN Maurice Benayoun, with Nicolas Mendoza and Tobias Klein. Four Seasons, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 7-8 September 2022 Human abstractions live in our mind. Human Values: LOVE, POWER, PEACE, KNOWLEDGE, are human abstractions If making art is giving shape to ideas, we can shape human values directly from...
20 4月 Valor de Los Valores @ Etopia_
Etopia te acerca al mundo de las NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), del criptoarte y de la neurociencia con una experiencia única y singular de la mano del artista francés Maurice Benayoun, referencia internacional en arte digital. ...
13 1月 Value of Values @ Le Cube
Value of values, Transactional Art Benayoun Maurice, with Nicolas Mendoza and Tobias Klein, 3 Neuro Design Stations, NFT minting of VoV tokens, "Twodees and Threedees", a series of printable 2D images produced out of the VoVs EEG-generated Photos by Axel Fried ...
13 10月 VoV twodees by MoBen
2D reifications (conversion of the virtual data into a physical object) of VoV tokens for 2D printing by MoBen are called "twodies" as opposed to "Threedies" for 3D reification like sculptures, or "Vidies" for videos or animated reifications....
30 4月 Defloration of Art (JEFFKOINS.COM)
Virtual NFT Token from the series JEFFKOINS.COM...
06 6月 Value of Values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain (video)
"Value of Values" (AKA VoV) is a Blockchain-based art project. It combines neuro-design, 3D printing, Blockchain...
25 10月 Value of Values at MOCA Taipei
Digital Art Festival 2019, ReTranSens. Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Curator: Loh Li-Chen Co-curator: Hsiang Wen Chen The largest exhibition of Value of Values, with 3 Neuro-design stations. Value of Values is now on Matic Blockchain after the Collector Period on Test-Net. It is now possible to trade, buy and...
22 7月 Value of Values, Bauhaus 100, Macerata
Value of Values, VoV, Bauhaus 100 exhibition, Palazzo Buonaccorsi, Macerata, Italy Artists: Maurice Benayoun, Tobias Klein, Nicolas Mendoza Composer: Jean-Baptiste Barrière Curator: Maria Grazia Mattei, MEET July,18 - Novembre, 3, 2019 When transactional aesthetics meet neuro-design on the Blockchain Speculative Speculation on Values Value of Values (VoV) is a blockchain-based art project. It...
05 6月 Value of Value official IVO
Value of Value, VoV IVO (Initial Value Offering) June 5, 2019 This will the IVO, Initial Value Offering, official launching (VIP) of VoV, Transactional Art on the Blockchain. by Maurice Benayoun, Tobias Klein, Nicolas Mendoza Composer: Jean-Baptiste barrière Invited by Art Center Nabi, the participants were able to give shape,...
01 3月 Value of Values website
www.v-0-v.io Everything about Value of Values, transactional art on the Blockchain. On VoV website you find: Real-time data from transactions, Transactional Poetry, list of produced VoVs and 3D visualization, about VoV (everything about VoV description of the project, definition of Transactional Poetry) FAQ (with all details about Value of Values) Team (founders,...
30 10月 Value of Values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain
Presentation of VoV Crypto. How a new crypto currency inspired by an interactive art installation, Brain Factory, allows us to understand the Value of Human Values. Conference during Microwave International Media Festival. Speakers: Maurice Benayoun and Tobias Klein....
30 10月 Brain Factory, Microwave Festival
Brain Factory is an art installation that allows the audience to give a shape to human abstractions through Brain Computer Interaction (BCI), and then to convert the resulting form into a physical object. The work examines the human specificity through abstract constructs such as CREATIVITY,...
04 7月 The Brain Factory video trailer
"Brain Factory" is media art and science project by Maurice Benayoun. Brain Workers-visitors can control matter with their brain (EEG). They give shape to Human Abstractions that will be reified (converted into object) by 3D printing....