16 6月 Emotions in Space
interactive installation, 3DVR, interactive motion...
interactive installation, 3DVR, interactive motion...
Emotion in Space seeks to re-imagine ways in which global real- time datasets can give us a unique perspective on the understanding of world motion through emotional currents emanating from 3200 different cities...
OPEN SKY GALLERY is an international platform and gallery designed to envision specially curated time-based artworks amidst Hong Kong’s public urban space. The Open Sky is a twofold project including Open Sky Gallery for artists and Open Sky Campus allowing City University of Hong Kong, School of...
Le GRAND RÉIFICATEUR (The Big Reificator) projet pour le Grand Palais Bétonner l’indicible Une imprimante géante convertit en béton frais les concepts les plus abstraits. La pensée prend forme durable ou éphémère. La machine débite inéluctablement des volumes sculptés, soigneusement alignés sous la Nef (laquelle? si le Grand...
Interactive tablet version of Political Shift....
The French blue-white-red Cocarde represent simultaneously the Revolution and the Republic. Motion and institution. Values come with colors....
Furtive Video, is a new genre on its own. The video is affected with a personality. Shy or proud, the video can decide to be seen or to stay hidden. A video with a behavior that doesn't alter its content but its mode of visibility. This mode of...
Artworks can now occupy the public space and share the economics of attention as advertising used to....
It remains a spectacular way to dig into a cultural material. ...
MUSEALL, Dispositif Educatif Muséographique Artistique Numérique et Documentaire ...
Interactive art environment about ecological design ...
Displays in real time the stock valuation readouts next to emotional currents...
La Météo des émotions du monde (Emotion Forecast sur écran géant durant Show Off / La FIAC 2011...
"The Maieutic Engine, beyond recommendation in cultural data" Conference Museum and the Web, Hong Kong, 2013 Maurice Benayoun, Hong Kong The maieutic engine considers the user as the best filter of its desires and expectations in terms of cultural heritage and image discovery. Based on implicit queries, formal...
Appel à la création de cartes postales pour la nouvelle boutique de l'Arc de Triomphe de Paris...
Parfum, L'essence de l'art contemporain, The Spirit of Contemporary Art, perfume...
Installation video, 2 écrans, 2 PC, cabine, assise pour deux personnes, une porte étroite...
Présentation des Quarxs : dessins originaux de F. Schuiten et vidéos sur l'art...
Dispositif interactif,2 écrans vidéo, 2 PC, 2 caméras, 2 pièces, une porte, une fenêtre...
Artyfiction is an online fiction improvised out of unstaged snapshots. (text in French, follow the link)...
Plus de 15 installations issues de la décharge à projets: ...
Installation issue du Dump. Un appartement gratuit, mais décoré par les 3 Suisses. A free appartment...
Performance musicale faisant appel à un instrument de cybersex haptique...
Some images are disturbing, because they cause the onlooker to waver between doubt and certainty
— Le cafard de la pleine luneAppel à réécrire l'hymne national frontièrement international ...
La Météo des émotions du monde façon Bloomberg TV ...
Série photographique : H2H, Human to Human. ...
Issues du Dump, une série de pièces constituées de 2 photographies et d'un cartel...
Propositions d'artistes utilisant les concepts du blog The-Dump.net ...
a first synchronized event to demonstrate participation in the Collider, connecting works produced...
Instance extraite du Dump. ...
MoBen's proposal for the call from the Centre of Attention, for the "Pavillon of Post-Contemporary Curating", to become the new Sutton Scarsdale Hall. "Sutton Scarsdale Hall in Derbyshire is to become the pavilion of post contemporary curating. It will be a base for new ways oflooking...
TheArtCollider is a platform for connected creation of time based art aiming towards a collaborative...
la Main Invisible développé par Adam Smith ...
La Mécanique des émotions en photogrammes. 6 tirages photographiques sous-titrés...
Installation physique et virtuelle, acte 14 de la Mécanique des émotions. Interactive scul ...
Urban art interactive installation for eArts Festival Shanghai Octobre 18-22 2008...
Ringtones from Emotion Vending Machine ...
scénographie permanente de l'arc de Triomphe à Paris, dispositifs interactifs ...
Projet architectural pour le Pavillion of Post-Contemporay Curating de Sutton Scarsdale Hall (UK)...
Visitors of World Skin, a Photo Safari in the Land of War at FACT Liverpool exhibition sk-interface ...
Extrait sonore de film pornographique + Windows Media Player 7.0. Ecran plasma, PC. ...
e-Spotting (Emotion Spotting) a music/nternet performance and installation at the Palazzo Strozzi ...
Emotions Spotting Performance, DEAF Festival, Interact or Die! Staal, Rotterdam, V2_ 25th anniversary April 2007, Playing instruments is a common lot of music. Playing with emotions is a common lot of politics and entertainment. Considering the Net as the World nervous system, checking the news on the Web becomes...
Installation video ...