Value of Values @ OSAGE The exhibition presents new media artist Maurice Benayoun’s latest development in his pioneering neuro-design blockchain-based artwork Value of Values (VoV). Visitors to the exhibition participate in the neuro-design process by forming human values (e.g., LOVE, MONEY, FREEDOM) directly in their minds and...
The complete tour of the show at the Asia Society Hong Kong Center presenting the new developments of the Transactional Art Project Value of Values, combining Blockchain, AI, NFTs, EEG, BCI, 3D Printing, and online trading with Tobias Klein, Nicolas Mendoza, Jean-Baptist Barrière. produced by...
HKACT Project by Osage Gallery Morphogenesis of Values on Asia Society HK website PRESS RELEASE: Osage Art Foundation opens HKACT! Acts 11-13, as part of its HKACT! initiative (Hong Kong Art Culture and Technological Innovation). This platform, raised in 2015, celebrates the convergence of art and advanced ideas...
Etopia te acerca al mundo de las NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), del criptoarte y de la neurociencia con una experiencia única y singular de la mano del artista francés Maurice Benayoun, referencia internacional en arte digital. ...
VOV 2.0, Value of Values @ VIDEOFORMES festival Benayoun, Maurice, with Nicolas Mendoza and Tobias Klein, "VoV 2.0, Value of Values" and "Twodees and Threedees", a series of printable 2D images produced out of the VoVs EEG-generated,...
Value of Values @ Tongyeong Triennale Daniel Kapelian (International Commissioner / Curator / Art Director) in KoreaTimes by Park Han-Sol "The main exhibition, "Take Your Time," will display the works of 35 artists and teams from 11 countries who take a meditative approach to art and, through immersive...
MONEY at dawn, LOVE at noon, and now PLEASURE
— Transactional Poetry2D reifications (conversion of the virtual data into a physical object) of VoV tokens for 2D printing by MoBen are called "twodies" as opposed to "Threedies" for 3D reification like sculptures, or "Vidies" for videos or animated reifications....
"Value of Values" (AKA VoV) is a Blockchain-based art project. It combines neuro-design, 3D printing, Blockchain...
Digital Art Festival 2019, ReTranSens. Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Curator: Loh Li-Chen Co-curator: Hsiang Wen Chen The largest exhibition of Value of Values, with 3 Neuro-design stations. Value of Values is now on Matic Blockchain after the Collector Period on Test-Net. It is now possible to trade, buy and...
TRANSACTIONAL POETRY. When human transactions become poetry... in real-time.
— Transactional PoetryPresentation of VoV Crypto. How a new crypto currency inspired by an interactive art installation, Brain Factory, allows us to understand the Value of Human Values. Conference during Microwave International Media Festival. Speakers: Maurice Benayoun and Tobias Klein....