12 Mar Morphogenesis of Values show tour by MoBen
The complete tour of the show at the Asia Society Hong Kong Center presenting the new developments of the Transactional Art Project Value of Values, combining Blockchain, AI, NFTs, EEG, BCI, 3D Printing, and online trading with Tobias Klein, Nicolas Mendoza, Jean-Baptist Barrière. produced by...
29 Oct The Periodic Table of Values
Presented for the first time during the Morphogenesis of Values exhibition, Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center produced by Osage Art Foundation. The Periodic Table of Values is part of the Value of Values project. VoV collectors carefully select the VoV NFT they want to keep in...
07 Sep Power Chess / Next World Forum
Maurice Benayoun, AKA MoBen, has created an original piece around sound, immersion, and experience. Power Chess presents two robots playing a game of chess unlike any other....
09 Jun DïaloG in Barcelona
The Art of DïaloG: Are we immigrants in a machine World? ISEA2022 Talk June 13 Refik Anadol and Maurice Benayoun started the DïaloG project as an art experiment and an urban media art installation. Two artworks are facing each other. They are confronted with a world they don’t know,...
20 Apr Valor de Los Valores @ Etopia_
Etopia te acerca al mundo de las NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), del criptoarte y de la neurociencia con una experiencia única y singular de la mano del artista francés Maurice Benayoun, referencia internacional en arte digital. ...
31 Jul Power Chess
from the Press Release by Focal/Naim, that commissioned the work Focal Powered by Naim to showcase exclusive global tour of MoBen’s interactive artwork: POWER CHESS video trailer Video documentary, Episode 1 To celebrate the roll-out of their global network of Focal Powered by Naim stores, the two leading audio brands...
09 Sep Ars Electronica Hong Kong Garden
Ars Electronica 2020 Hong Kong Garden full program: hkgardens.com Context: Arts Electronica 2020 is being crystalized as an experimental, de-centralized global affair, in response to the contingencies arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. Envisioning a journey toward measuring the ‘new’ world being realized today, this year’s festival extends beyond...
06 Jun Value of Values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain (video)
"Value of Values" (AKA VoV) is a Blockchain-based art project. It combines neuro-design, 3D printing, Blockchain...
21 Oct ACM MM Art Show 2019, Nice
ACM Multimedia Art Show (ACMMM2019), Chairs: Maurice Benayoun, Nathalie Delprat, Nice, France, October 21 - 25, 2019 Artists: Refik Anadol, Jean-Marc Chomaz, Peter Nelson, Olivain Porray, Lyn Chao, Lin Chen, Cecilia Suhr, Paul Chable, Gilles Arrazo, Yvain Quéau, Axel Cartier, Jean-Denis Durou, Yen-Ting Cho, Yen-ling Kuo, Yen-Ting Yeh, Yi-Chin...
24 Jun Value of Values, at ISEA2019 Gwangju
ISEA, the International Symposium on Electronic Arts, is the primary academic event on Media Art, research, and creation. Value of Values is an invited artwork curated by Art Center Nabi for the Lux Aeterna Exhibition. "Value of Values (VoV) is a blockchain-based art project that uses EEG...
ABSTRACT SHOTS are snapshots of numbered iterations of the Brain Factory shaping process. They are printed portraits of the unspeakable....
04 Mar Young Media Artists in China, video
Video of the show in Hong Kong, City University, School of Creative Media Chief Curator: Maurice Benayoun http://benayoun.com/moben/2018/03/03/young-media-artists-in-china-hk/ CREDITS 主辦單位 / ORGANIZERS 香港城市大學 City University of Hong Kong 中國美協策展委員會 China Artists Association Curatorial Committee 深圳市關山月美術館 Guan Shanyue Art Museum 出品人 / PRODUCERS 郭位 香港城市大學校長 Way KUO, President of City University of Hong Kong 范廸安 中國美術家協會策展委員會主任、中央美術學院院長 FAN Dian, Chairman of CACF,...
03 Mar Young Media Artists in China (HK)
The annual "On the Road" exhibition is this year dedicated to New Media Art. With the title "Young Media Artists in China", the 50 or so works by 32 artists selected by the nominating committee. Maurice Benayoun has been appointed Chief Curator....
12 Jan Brain Cloud (by Brain Factory)
At the same time an innovative art installation, a world premiere, and a prototype for neuro-design technology, "Brain Cloud" is part of the "Brain Factory" series of works helping the visitors "brain-workers" to give shape to human abstractions just by thinking....
04 Nov AstriLab
Astrilab scenic apparatus commissioned by ASTRI research Centre, HK, constituted by 3 different elements, all playing with each other. The functions of presenting Astri activities, and offering a playful way to experience innovation in action, are performed by these 3 Astrilab components: The Hypercube, the...
04 Jul The Brain Factory video trailer
"Brain Factory" is media art and science project by Maurice Benayoun. Brain Workers-visitors can control matter with their brain (EEG). They give shape to Human Abstractions that will be reified (converted into object) by 3D printing....
14 Mar Borders Tunnel
Virtual tunnels are made to go beyond obstacles, to allow people appart to meet in spite of any form of obstacles....
20 Jan Sans Armes Citoyens
Appel à réécrire l'hymne national frontièrement international ...
29 Jan Blind Love Ready Made dump #6 instance 3
Extrait sonore de film pornographique + Windows Media Player 7.0. Ecran plasma, PC. ...
13 Jan Interactivity: the dead end of our artistic era
Steina and Woody Vasulka in So.So.So, Interactive installation by Maurice Benayoun, in Lugano Art Museum...
11 Nov So.So.So. Somebody, Somewhere, Some Time
Text, exhibition catalogue 'Future Cinema', ZKM, MIT Press, 2002-2003...