MONEY at dawn, LOVE at noon, and now PLEASURE
— Transactional PoetryTRANSACTIONAL POETRY. When human transactions become poetry... in real-time.
— Transactional Everything about Value of Values, transactional art on the Blockchain. On VoV website you find: Real-time data from transactions, Transactional Poetry, list of produced VoVs and 3D visualization, about VoV (everything about VoV description of the project, definition of Transactional Poetry) FAQ (with all details about Value of Values) Team (founders,...
La Météo des émotions du monde (Emotion Forecast sur écran géant durant Show Off / La FIAC 2011...
Appel à réécrire l'hymne national frontièrement international ...
Installation physique et virtuelle, acte 14 de la Mécanique des émotions. Interactive scul ...
Urban art interactive installation for eArts Festival Shanghai Octobre 18-22 2008...
Installation, inflated baloon and digitally carved sculptures, in the Temple ...
Somebody, Somewhere, Some Time...
Send a warning message to the world...
encounters in the labyrinth of our own words ...
interactive art project...
Et moi dans tout ça ? 2, permet à chacun de participer à la réécriture de la création du monde.
— And what about me ? 1 and 2The second of The Big Questions ...
a collection of VR and Internet works ...
methaphysics of video game...