VoV twodees by MoBen
A VoV is at the same time an abstract artwork and “a seed of art”.
VoV owners can grow artworks out of the 3D VoV models. Sculptures, animations, objects can be created, reified, and the owner can freely collect, sell, barter (swap), or offer them.
When VoVs are used to produce 2D images they become autonomous artworks. The name of the VoV should preferably include the original token name (for ex. “LOVE0666 flying in the sky”).
2D reifications (conversion of the virtual data into a physical object) by MoBen are called “twodees” as opposed to “Threedees” for 3D reification like sculptures, or “Videes” for videos or animated reifications.
When VoVs are used to produce 2D images they become autonomous artworks. The name of the VoV should preferably include the original token name (for ex. “LOVE0666 flying in the sky”).
2D reifications (conversion of the virtual data into a physical object) by MoBen are called “twodees” as opposed to “Threedees” for 3D reification like sculptures, or “Videes” for videos or animated reifications.
Twodees are rendered in 10k pixels, made to be printed between 80 – 120 cm wide.
- a NFT is a Non Fungible Token, a Blockchain token that refers to a unique asset that cannot be subdivided into a smaller unit. NFTs are all different from each other. Artworks are usually registered to the Blockchain as NFTs.
- Value of Values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain, by Maurice Benayoun, Nicolas Mendoza, Tobias Klein, is developed by the ACIM/Neuro-Design Lab, and supported by ACIM/SCM/CityU HK Fellowship, MindSpaces S+T+Arts and MindSpaces HK research program.
- to buy VoV Tokens to make one’s own twodee, go to WWW.VOV.ART (crypto or Paypal)
- Twodees haven’t been released for NFT sale yet
A selection of twodees reified by MoBen: